On Wed, Jun 08, 2016 at 07:49:13PM +0200, Alistair Grant wrote:
> Hi Pierce,
> On Wed, Jun 08, 2016 at 09:22:10PM +0800, Pierce Ng wrote:
> > On Wed, Jun 08, 2016 at 09:50:41AM +0200, Alistair Grant wrote:
> > >   PharoDatabaseAccessor DefaultDriver: GlorpSQLite3Driver.
> > >   session := GlorpBookDescriptorSystem sessionForLogin: login.
> > 
> > Listing 1.12 on page 9 of the PDF says your code is missing a line:
> > 
> >     session login.
> > 
> > The example I posted in the announcement thread also sends #login, but to 
> > the
> > accessor.
> > 
> >   | login accessor |
> >   login := Login new
> >     ...
> >     yourself.
> >   PharoDatabaseAccessor DefaultDriver: GlorpSQLite3Driver.
> >   accessor := PharoDatabaseAccessor forLogin: login.
> > "==>"  accessor login. "<=="
> >   (accessor executeSQLString: 'select * from sqlite_master') explore.
> >   accessor logout.  
> > 
> > If you follow the implementation of GlorpSession>>login you will see that it
> > eventually sends #login to the accessor.
> > 
> > Pierce
> Thanks for your response.  You're right, and I had tried this, however
> asking the session to login results in the following:
> UDBCSQLite3Connection(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #queryEncoding
> PharoDatabaseAccessor>>encoding
> GlorpSession>>loginIfError:
> GlorpSession>>login
> GlorpBookDescriptorSystem class>>getSession
> UndefinedObject>>DoIt
> In my image at least, there are no implementers of #queryEncoding.

P.S.  If I add:



I'm able to create tables and populate the database (which is as far as
I've got).  But of course, not sure if this is the appropriate solution.


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