Ok, now I get a different exception! :-)

"MessageNotUnderstood: LUDevice class>>fromHandle:"

when executing: "array first."

Where LUDevice is defined like this:

FFIOpaqueObject subclass: #LUDevice
    instanceVariableNames: ''
    classVariableNames: ''
    package: 'LibUsb-Kernel'


On 01/07/16 13:51, Esteban Lorenzano wrote:
I need  you to test :)

can you execute this:

(ConfigurationOfUnifiedFFI project version: #development) load.

and then retry your example?


ps: this became pharo-dev, but well… still here :)

On 01 Jul 2016, at 13:48, Julien Delplanque <jul...@tamere.eu> wrote:

Oh, ok :p

Can you notify me know when the bug will be resolved?



On 01/07/16 13:36, Esteban Lorenzano wrote:
… and now you hit a bug.
bah, an “non implemented feature” :P

I never tested arrays with complex types.
it should not be hard… I will provide a fix.


On 01 Jul 2016, at 13:30, Julien Delplanque <jul...@tamere.eu> wrote:

Ok, the ffi call is done without problem with your method thanks. :)

But now that I have the array, when I try to access the first element using:

array first.

I get a exception saying I need to override a method:

"SubclassResponsibility: FFIOpaqueObjectType had the subclass responsibility to 
implement #basicHandle:at:"

I looked at others implementors but I am not sure of how I should override it, 
nor if I should.

Thanks for the time your taking to answer me. :-)


On 01/07/16 12:29, Esteban Lorenzano wrote:
On 01 Jul 2016, at 12:27, Esteban Lorenzano <esteba...@gmail.com> wrote:


this is because you want to get an array with opaque objects. Do not let the 
*** confuses you… cwhat you actually want, conceptually is something like this:


means: you pass the address of an array of opaque types (who are always 

So, what you need to pass is the address of an array… you will need to work a 
bit here, since translation is not automatic.

1) you need to declare your type. Let’ say it will be:

FFIOpaqueObject subclass: USBDevice.

2) then you need to get the pointer to this array. You need to rewrite you code 
as this:

arrayPtr := ExternalAddress new.
size := self getDevice: ctx list: arrayPtr.

getDevice: ctx list: list
        ^ self ffiCall: #(size_t libusb_get_device_list (libusb_context *ctx, 
void **list))

NOTE that we change the type to "void **”. This is because this is what you 
actually want: the array of devices

3) now you will have size and arrayPtr. Then you declare the array:

array := FFIExternalArray fromPointer: arrayPtr type: USBDevice
sorry, this expression (while possible) does not stops in “size”… it has to be 
like this, instead:

array := FFIExternalArray fromPointer: arrayPtr type: USBDevice size: size. “you 
already has the size for the result"

… and you should be able to iterate this array normally :)

let me know if this works for you… I’m “coding in mail client”, so it can fail 


On 01 Jul 2016, at 12:02, Julien Delplanque <jul...@tamere.eu> wrote:

Thanks, it works I get an instance of FFIOpaqueObject.

But how do I get a specific  libusb_device object from the list?

Thanks again for you quick answer :-).


On 01/07/16 11:44, Esteban Lorenzano wrote:

an opaque structure is not an FFIExternalObject but an FFIOpaqueObject.
in that case, something like (simplified):

ctx := (your context).
list := FFIOpaqueObject new.
size := self getDevice: ctx list: list.

getDevice: ctx list: list
        ^ self ffiCall: #(size_t libusb_get_device_list (libusb_context *ctx, 
FFIOpaqueObject ***list))

should work (note that of course you can make libusb_device an alias for your 
type… that does not matters much, this is just a simplification).

if this does not works, if you can provide me code to reproduce it, I can give 
it a shot and see what happens :)


On 01 Jul 2016, at 11:19, Julien Delplanque <jul...@tamere.eu> wrote:

Hello everyone,

I have a question about the UFFI API. I have the following function:

ssize_t libusb_get_device_list (libusb_context *ctx, libusb_device ***list)

where libusb_device is an opaque structure.

I made a type mapping "ssize_t" -> "int" and an object inheriting
from FFIExternalObject for the "libusb_context" (others methods
using it are working).

I can not find how to get an array filled with libusb_device using UFFI from 
Pharo. :-(

Thanks in advance,


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