Ok, the problem is resolved thanks to Esteban.

There was a mistake in the code given in preceding mails so, I am rewriting the 3 steps here:


1) Declare your class that subclasses FFIOpaqueObject:

FFIOpaqueObject subclass: USBDevice

2) Get a pointer to the array:

arrayPtr := ExternalAddress new.
size := self getDevice: context list: arrayPtr.


getDevice: ctx list: list
^ self ffiCall: #(size_t libusb_get_device_list (libusb_context *ctx, void **list))

3) Now that we have the size of the array, we can declare it:

array := FFIExternalArray fromHandle: arrayPtr type: USBDevice size: size.


The problem was that I was using #fromPointer:type:size instead of #fromHandle:type:size:.

Thanks again Esteban!


On 04/07/16 13:15, Julien Delplanque wrote:

On 04/07/16 12:18, Ben Coman wrote:
On Mon, Jul 4, 2016 at 4:24 PM, Julien Delplanque <jul...@tamere.eu> wrote:
Hello again Esteban, all others,

I am still experiencing strange behaviors with the objects in the external

I get a lot of NULL pointers and some strange addresses (I guess, I am not a
C expert) that are close to NULL
(see the screenshot attached). These objects make the VM crash (segmentation
fault) when I call a function
from the libusb binding (for NULL objects it may be ok but what about
others?). Some other objects (those with
a normal address in the screenshot) work finely with the functions calls
using UFFI...

This kind of bug is not reported in libusb discussions I found on the
internet and I tried an example in C,
there is no NULL pointer received from the function (they are not even
considered in official examples).

So I guess the problem may come from Pharo?

Do you have any idea of what it could be?

I will be available on Slack all the day if you want. :)

Thanks in advance,


On Mon, Jul 4, 2016 at 6:15 PM, Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com> wrote:
How does it compare with the result you get in pure C?
e.g. using this code...

Also, what is the return value of calling libusb_init() from Pharo?

cheers -ben

In pure C, it works. All my device are listed with the code at the link you gave me (so there is no NULL pointer).

In Pharo,  libusb_init() returns 0 as expected.


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