Hi Holger

I will let nicolas reply detail.

Now Iceberg is not equals to git.
For that you can already take gitfiletree (whatever is its name) and your command line tool and do what you want. What would be the reason to duplicate git in Pharo? Exposing all the complexity of git to pharo?

Iceberg is an abstraction over a distribution source versioning system looking like git.
And it offers a process and workflow to manage projects stored in git.
Now iceberg should cover main and common scenario.
And one complex scenario we have is how to manage changes that cross cut several projects (pharo / RB / GT...).



I am a heavy git user with languages like C, C++, Python, Ruby and even GNU 
Smalltalk and I hope iceberg will bring the same powerful experience to Pharo.

Last Friday I started to add a bigger refactoring for a new feature to my 
software and didn't finish. Sadly today an issue in the code was found and I 
would like to fix this before fixing my code. I use this as opportunity to ask 
if Iceberg has some answers for that.

With a non-Pharo project I would do:

a.) If current HEAD is same as origin/master

$ git stash (stash away my not finished changes)
$ vi code.c fix..
$ git commit -a -c "subject

long explanation of fix
reference to bug"
$ git stash apply (and go back to working on my feature)

b.) E.g. if I finished n-commits but I am not fully done

# store my work
$ git commit -a -m "Work In Progress hack.."
$ git checkout -b new-feature-branch

# go back to master
$ git checkout master
$ git reset --hard origin/master (to restore)

# work on the fix
$ vi code.c fix..
$ git commit -a -c "fix..."

# go back and continue on my fix
$ git checkout new-feature-branch
$ git rebase origin/master
$ git reset HEAD^1
.. continue to work

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