My two cents: having different images for branches is a good workaround,
but I will have to manually control those images, while git abstracts this
a little since I have a way to tell it to stash and bring back work in
progress. Depending on the project, I think loading a new image with a
fresh HEAD would require a lot of time to bring all dependencies and
compile, while just getting changes made at certain point from an image and
stash them would be much faster, am I wrong?

On Tue, Sep 13, 2016 at 6:20 AM, Nicolas Passerini <>

> Hi Holger, I think that both patterns are currently supported (in beta
> version), but maybe we do not use exactly the same tools.
> First, Iceberg does not use the concept of "stash". The git stash changes
> the file in your git working copy (on your file system), while your
> (modified) code is not there, is in the Pharo image.
> Going deeper into it, we understand git is very powerful but we do not
> believe that git is the ultimate perfect code versioning tool. We think
> that there are some git usage patterns that tend to be difficult to
> understand so we are trying to create a better abstraction on top of that.
> Also we would like to come up with an abstraction that works not only for
> git but for other repositories.
> So, we try to support the kind of requirements you are worried about, but
> maybe not in the same way that the command line tools you are used to. I
> also have been working with git in languages like Scala, Javascript, Xtend,
> etc and I was used to the command line tools... so now the task for me is
> to try to understand: which of all those things I was used to do were
> really necessary and which of them are just boilerplate I need to do
> because of my tools are too low level?
> Maybe your experience can help us answer that question.
>> a.) If current HEAD is same as origin/master
>> $ git stash (stash away my not finished changes)
>> $ vi code.c fix..
>> $ git commit -a -c "subject
>> long explanation of fix
>> reference to bug"
>> $ git stash apply (and go back to working on my feature)
> So, why is this better than having a new image with a clean version of
>> b.) E.g. if I finished n-commits but I am not fully done
> For this I would propose a slightly different pattern:
>> # store my work
>> $ git commit -a -m "Work In Progress hack.."
> You can commit, ok... but also you could just save the image with your
> work in progress, no need to create a hacky commit.
>> $ git checkout -b new-feature-branch
>> # go back to master
>> $ git checkout master
>> $ git reset --hard origin/master (to restore)
> To avoid reset, I would propose to leave master like that and put the new
> work in a clean branch, starting on origin/master.
> In git-command-line language it would be:
> git checkout -b fix origin/master
> So you create a new branch for your fix out of origin/master, leaving the
> original branch untouched.
>> # work on the fix
>> $ vi code.c fix..
>> $ git commit -a -c "fix..."
>> No problems here... just we do not use vi for editing code :)
>> # go back and continue on my fix
>> $ git checkout new-feature-branch
> $ git rebase origin/master
>> $ git reset HEAD^1
>> .. continue to work
>>  Several things here. First, I think that everything is simpler if you
> just leave your original branch untouched, so you could re-checkout that
> branch without the need for reset and removing hacky commits. But even more
> interesting if you agree to have two images one for each task, you just go
> back to your first image and everything is just like you left it, including
> open windows and whatever task you were doing. I think that is a beautiful
> value of Pharo I would not like to loose.
> The only thing left would be to incorporate the fix into this image, right
> now we do not support rebase, you would need to merge... but I understand
> why one would prefer rebase in this scenario, at some point we will support
> both options.
> So, to sum up. I am not trying to replicate in Pharo the way I used to
> work in Javascript... I think that would be silly. Instead, we are trying
> to take the good stuff of git into Pharo, but without loosing all the good
> stuff of Pharo.

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