2016-11-07 10:10 GMT+01:00 Dimitris Chloupis <kilon.al...@gmail.com>:

> I did not advertise Nireas because I wanted free advertisement , if that
> was the case I would be advertising Ephestos which has been a far more
> important project for me and a project I invested far more effort.
> The idea with Nireas is a theme that allows easy customisation to any kind
> of theme the user wants. I completely disagree that themes are not one of
> the most basic tools of an IDE. How my environment looks like is extremely
> important to me and how easy it is to read code. Dark theme has been
> probably the biggest enhancement Pharo had since day one for me and has
> helped boost my productivity a lot more than any other tool. I also
> remember how happy the community has been to accept the dark theme in its
> arms. So obviously themes matter a ton to the average Pharo user.
> I can imagine myself living without the blue theme, but I cannot imagine
> myself coding in Pharo without the blue theme and the dark theme.
> Hmm thanks for mentioning not working, this is weird, it works fine in
> Pharo 6 , it has a MNU in Pharo 5. I will fix it today.
> In any case I have no issue removing the mentioning of Nireas , go ahead
> and do it. I never had a problem with people changing my content in PBE5.
> But simply I cannot agree with your opinion .

I will remove it.
My opinion is not that themes are not important, but that it looks out of
context in this chapter.

This chapter has an overview stating what we will describe in this chapter,
then having this intermediate step about changing the theme, open
CatalogBrowser, loading Nireas and talking about
that it has a theme editor ..., which looks totally unrelated to the other
content that is about the core tools (browser, debugger, finder ...)

> On Mon, Nov 7, 2016 at 10:54 AM Nicolai Hess <nicolaih...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> 2016-11-07 9:52 GMT+01:00 Nicolai Hess <nicolaih...@gmail.com>:
>> 2016-10-27 13:32 GMT+02:00 Dimitris Chloupis <kilon.al...@gmail.com>:
>> In case someone missed it I will be doing a release for version 5 (pharo
>> version = pbe version) this weekend , since we had Pharo 7 initiated few
>> days ago.
>> Essentially that means that the repo will be tagged for version 5, which
>> means a git commit is associated as a last commit for that version and
>> there will be a frozen release - download for Pharo by Example version 5.
>> After that we move to Pharo By Example version 6 or PBE6 for short
>> The repo wont change otherwise and the process of submitting commits,
>> pull requests and issues remains the same.
>> If you have found a flaw of any sort in the documentation , please open
>> an issue in the github issue tracker that can be found here
>> https://github.com/SquareBracketAssociates/UpdatedPharoByExample/issues
>> I will try to fix any problem reported but if I cannot , the fix will
>> have to move to version 6
>> As always thanks to all people contributing into the impossible ....
>> making Pharo more amazing
>> If you want to contribute feel free to do so with a pull request.
>> Does not matter if you are beginner because even minor corrections like
>> correcting mistakes in the grammar or content of the text, updated
>> pictures, or just a few lines of extra info are more than enough and more
>> than welcomed. Many Pharo beginners have already done so .
>> -Salute to fellow Guardians of The Light
>> Duh, please don't advertise your own theme and tools and not in this
>> place.
>> In the chapter about the key tools, there is an introducion, listing all
>> tools (browser/finder/...) following by a description of this tools,
>> AND in between(!) a paragraph about themes and loading Nireas and silly
>> tool for editing this theme.
>> *simple* tool (BTW it does not work)
>> This is totally unrelated to the other content.
>> And if at all, I would only mention the dark theme ( as it is somhow
>> popular to have a dark theme), but not at this place, maybe
>> at the introduction where we show a first screenshot of the enviroment.
>> (But I don't use the dark theme, so I don't know if the Pharo 5  version
>> is "production ready".

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