I gave a talk at Smalltalks 2016 entitled: "Dangerous Liaisons: Smalltalk, files, and git"[1] and this thread is a perfect example the dangers I was thinking about:).

For "history buffs", here's a link for my talk at STIC 2012 entitled "Practical Git for Smalltalk"[2].


[1] http://fast.org.ar/talks/dangerous-liaisons-smalltalk-files-and-git

[2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIkoBQphtyM

On 1/15/17 8:44 AM, Dimitris Chloupis wrote:
For those that lost track of the purpose of this thread let me provide a summary

The discussion started from the Google Visibility where Sven asked me why I find the Pharo VCS and Monticello a very problematic implementation

I decided to reply creating a separate thread in order to not hijack the other thread

I did reply with precise details what I do not like and what I consider bad design for both Pharo VCS and Monticello

I decided not to further the debate because it was clear that Sven agreed with my remarks its just he did not find them as a show stopper like I do. It was never my intention to debate personal opinion only facts.

I have no regrets that I started this discussion, it was a discussion I wanted to start ages ago and at the time I did not feel I was experienced enough to pass a judgement on the Pharo VCS.

But I was perplexed for some time why I found and still find Pharo VCS as a deeply flawed system with many problems that have been annoying me since the first day I started using Pharo while there seem to not be any serious complaint from the community.

I think now its clear that this happens because:

a) Some people indeed find Pharo VCS easier to use and have little interest for the advanced features of Git and Github

b) Other people do not like Git because they have not invested the time to learn it and have a very distorted idea of what Git is and how it actually works or how non Pharo coders actually use it (for example the claim that Git is not good for local repos while this is exactly the primary goal of the existence of Git and where it truly shines)

c) For some strange reason people who tried Git or still use it partially appear to not use GUI Git client even though Pharo VCS is clearly a Graphical and not a command line based UI.

On the other hand I am glad people love Pharo so much and appreciate even more things about it than I do.

On a final note I did not make this thread to complain or bash Pharo VCSs mainly because using Git from Pharo never had be an issue for me and I have nothing to complain about the whole process apart from the fact that I do not like how filetree brakes source code into source code files but that is a minor annoyance.

Thank you all for your participation and your opinions its great to see another point of view and keep having fun with Pharo VCSs.

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