Le 03/03/2017 à 18:09, Hilaire a écrit :
> I will try to dig for more clues.

Now that I clarified the issues regarding duplicated entries and Date. I
took another look to this problem.

After reset of the repo, to test for sure Voyage correctly retrieves the
attributes,  I face the same issue again. The attributes of an object,
itself a collection attribute of an object in the repo, are not

The code bellow does not work as expected. Some details on the involved
someAdults is a collection of adult objects (saved in their own
Participant collection in the repo and already retrieved);  expenses is
an attribute of a Contract instance (the later save in its own
collection too); owner returns an adult,and I think it is the one that
does not materialize.

> expensesOf: someAdults
>    ^ expenses select: [ :anExpense | someAdults includes: anExpense owner]

Voyage appears to be lazy to materialize it, and indeed the changed code
bellow makes the materialization to take place:

> expensesOf: someAdults
>    ^ expenses select: [ :anExpense | someAdults includes: anExpense owner 
> value ]

Of course it can't be a solution because I will not know for sure when
selection will work or fail. So far I only see the problem in two
places, and I have a lot of selection code.


Dr. Geo

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