Yes we know that we should improve the windows part.
We agree. Now I do not know how to create money.


Just asking,

Did someone already tried to get funding to update the Windows VM?
Because it's like the 90% of the world still uses Windows...



2017-03-02 12:51 GMT-03:00 Clément Bera <>:
Hi Raffaello,

Reportedly, the VM without the JIT (pure interpreter, also called PharoS or StackVM) works on windows 64 and FFI works with it if the VM compiled with clang but not with gcc. >>There is no configuration for Pharo right now. It should not be hard to add a pharo configuration to have the image start-up, but I don't think several libraries such as Athens/>>Cairo or libgit would work out of the box, so it's not clear such a configuration would make a lot of sense. There is no PharoS-spur64 repository on right now >>either.
Windows support is not ready mostly because:
- Some C types are different in x64 between Unix and windows
- Calling conventions are different in x64 bits between Unix and Windows

Calling conventions have impact in switching between the interpreter and the JIT runtime and in FFI.
C types being different have impact for the VM compilation and in FFI.

If someone looks into it, I guess in a day of work we could have the Stack VM working with Spur 64 for Pharo without support for some librairies. There might be uncommon >>crashes to fix over the first week of use. With several more weeks of work (maybe a couple months), the StackVM with all libraries should be production-ready. The JIT support >>will take more time, hopefully it will be done in a year from now.

Maybe I should mention that the company who funded 64 bits support is using the VM on Mac for development and Linux for production, so Windows was not a priority and >>not done. We have to rely on open-source contributors, non paid, to add Windows support and that takes time. Nicolas Cellier added the support for the 64 bits Stack VM on >>his free time. If someone is investing money, the 64 bits Windows VM could reach production sooner (I guess within 6 months) because someone could work full time on it.


On Thu, Mar 2, 2017 at 4:04 PM, <> wrote:
On 07/02/17 07:13, Esteban Lorenzano wrote:

On 6 Feb 2017, at 21:41, Cyril Ferlicot D. <> wrote:

Le 06/02/2017 à 21:31, Benoit St-Jean via Pharo-users a écrit :


IIRC, the windows VM will need some more time to be ready. Only Linux
and OSX ones are usable at the moment.

^ this.
as Cyril says, win 64bits vm is still not ready (and it will take some more time to be).


Just for general curiosity, what are the main stumbling blocks in the
road to a Windows 64 bit Pharo?


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