On 08/03/17 18:08, Peter Uhnak wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 07, 2017 at 10:20:10AM +0100, Raffaello Giulietti wrote:
>> probably most of the developers related to Pharo use macOS
> Last time (~two years ago) I asked it was about ~1/3 each platform 
> http://www.strawpoll.me/4001583/r
> (also I didn't make a distinction between desktop and server, so win/mac 
> would be even higher)
> here's the original thread: 
> http://forum.world.st/quick-poll-which-OS-do-you-use-for-Pharo-td4816222.html

The figures for Windows are rather surprising, although from the overall
results it's hard to distinguish between developer's and other kind of

> Maybe Marcus knows download rates from files.pharo.org (although this will be 
> heavily skewed by build systems).

Download rates can be misleading, though. How many software products are
installed and used just to play around a bit and then never used again?
Tons, I guess.

> I would argue that its simply easier to find Mac/Linux low-level experts and 
> contributors than Windows as the developer culture (including OSS and 
> contributions) is different.

Yes, I agree that as a developer, for many reasons, chances are that
life is usually easier on Unix-like systems than on Windows.

> Peter
>> On 2017-03-07 04:58, Hernán Morales Durand wrote:
>>> Just asking,
>>> Did someone already tried to get funding to update the Windows VM?
>>> Because it's like the 90% of the world still uses Windows...
>>> Regards,
>>> Hernán
>>> 2017-03-02 12:51 GMT-03:00 Clément Bera <bera.clem...@gmail.com
>>> <mailto:bera.clem...@gmail.com>>:
>>>    Hi Raffaello,
>>>    Reportedly, the VM without the JIT (pure interpreter, also called
>>>    PharoS or StackVM) works on windows 64 and FFI works with it if
>>>    the VM compiled with clang but not with gcc. There is no
>>>    configuration for Pharo right now. It should not be hard to add a
>>>    pharo configuration to have the image start-up, but I don't think
>>>    several libraries such as Athens/Cairo or libgit would work out of
>>>    the box, so it's not clear such a configuration would make a lot
>>>    of sense. There is no PharoS-spur64 repository on files.pharo.org
>>>    <http://files.pharo.org> right now either.
>>>    Windows support is not ready mostly because:
>>>    - Some C types are different in x64 between Unix and windows
>>>    - Calling conventions are different in x64 bits between Unix and
>>>    Windows
>>>    Calling conventions have impact in switching between the
>>>    interpreter and the JIT runtime and in FFI.
>>>    C types being different have impact for the VM compilation and in FFI.
>>>    If someone looks into it, I guess in a day of work we could have
>>>    the Stack VM working with Spur 64 for Pharo without support for
>>>    some librairies. There might be uncommon crashes to fix over the
>>>    first week of use. With several more weeks of work (maybe a couple
>>>    months), the StackVM with all libraries should be
>>>    production-ready. The JIT support will take more time, hopefully
>>>    it will be done in a year from now.
>>>    Maybe I should mention that the company who funded 64 bits support
>>>    is using the VM on Mac for development and Linux for production,
>>>    so Windows was not a priority and not done. We have to rely on
>>>    open-source contributors, non paid, to add Windows support and
>>>    that takes time. Nicolas Cellier added the support for the 64 bits
>>>    Stack VM on his free time. If someone is investing money, the 64
>>>    bits Windows VM could reach production sooner (I guess within 6
>>>    months) because someone could work full time on it.
>>>    Regards,
>>>    On Thu, Mar 2, 2017 at 4:04 PM, <raffaello.giulie...@lifeware.ch
>>>    <mailto:raffaello.giulie...@lifeware.ch>> wrote:
>>>        On 07/02/17 07:13, Esteban Lorenzano wrote:
>>>        >
>>>        >> On 6 Feb 2017, at 21:41, Cyril Ferlicot D.
>>>        <cyril.ferli...@gmail.com <mailto:cyril.ferli...@gmail.com>>
>>>        wrote:
>>>        >>
>>>        >> Le 06/02/2017 à 21:31, Benoit St-Jean via Pharo-users a écrit :
>>>        >>
>>>        >>
>>>        >> Hi!
>>>        >>
>>>        >> IIRC, the windows VM will need some more time to be ready.
>>>        Only Linux
>>>        >> and OSX ones are usable at the moment.
>>>        >
>>>        > ^ this.
>>>        > as Cyril says, win 64bits vm is still not ready (and it will
>>>        take some more time to be).
>>>        >
>>>        > Esteban
>>>        >
>>>        Just for general curiosity, what are the main stumbling blocks
>>>        in the
>>>        road to a Windows 64 bit Pharo?
>>>        Raffaello

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