In other words: don't ask - tell.
Instead of writing something like:

object isSomething ifTrue: [ object doSomething ] ifFalse: [ object
doSomethingElse ]

just write it:
object doSomething

that gives you much less code bloat, and much clear view of your intent(s)
and  even in case of exception , you can always interpret DNU as "object
are missing feature, you asked for", which is again, reveals your intent.

Also things like:

object isSomething ifTrue: [ self doSomethingWith: object ] ifFalse: [ self
doSomethingElseWith: object ]

in general considered as anti-pattern, because you basically implementing
polymorphic behavior in wrong place i.e. in code that using object, instead
of code that belongs to the object itself.

On 31 March 2017 at 03:05, Ben Coman <> wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 30, 2017 at 11:06 PM, Stephan Eggermont <>
> wrote:
> > On 30/03/17 16:03, Marc Hanisch via Pharo-users wrote:
> >>
> >> Reading this, I realized, that I never saw such type-checking in
> >> Pharo production code. So the question is, what are recommended
> >> design principles for that problem in Smalltalk? Do you use what is
> >> called duck typing?
> >
> >
> > Normally I'm not interested in what an object is, but what it can do.
> > So a test on #respondsTo: can tell me if the object knows how to do
> > something.
> >
> > In smalltalk, I can add methods to existing classes, so there are a lot
> of
> > extension methods on Object isXYZ, returning false. Morph returns true to
> > isMorph, so all subclasses of Morph can be recognized that way.
> Many people also technically frown on isXYZ is a similar way to isKindOf:,
> but it is a lesser evil and pragmatically is used reasonably often.
> >
> > Instead of adding a test method, there are also empty implementations
> Like this, what you can do is refactor that guarded code into a method
> #myAction
> and add Object>>myAction which throws the exception.
> Thus you condense multiple condition statements into
> one location and your application code becomes much cleaner.
> Object may end up loaded with a lot of methods not of interest to every
> object,
> but the trade-off of cleaner application code is generally worth it.
> btw, Here you start to see how using Pharo/Smalltalk "changes the way you
> think about programming".
> Further, the exception thrown by  Object>>myAction
> should signal the error on a custom error object, similar to ZeroDivide
> for example.
> > or ones that return self or an appropriate null-value.
> Within your framework where you control all the objects
> the Null-object pattern is probably the cleanest OO approach,
> but it can't control what the user passes across the public API.
> btw, you can search null-object pattern in Spotter using " Null #c "
> cheers -ben

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko.

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