With reference to Norbert's comment, there /may/ be an ambiguity about the
word 'header' in Udo's reply. It could refer to the http HEAD section, in
which case Norbert is of course right. It could also refer to the <head>
section of the html file, which is part of the content of the http response.
If it is the latter, this is similar to a question that Paul deBruicker
posted last November ("[Pharo-users] ZnClient GET, but just the  content of
the <head> tag?"). I tried the method I devised for Paul's case on Udo's
problem website, and read the html header with no problem. Incidentally, the
header includes 'charset=iso-8859-1', which does not agree with Sven's

In case it is of interest, I used XMLHTMLParser to read and parse the
header. Try the following in a Playground:

par := XMLHTMLParser onURL:
par parseDocumentUntil: [|top|(top := par topNode) notNil and: [ top
isElement and:[ top isNamed: 'body']]].
par parsingResult findElementNamed: 'head'.

If you 'Do it and go', the full header appears. The way I get it to stop
after the header may not be quite correct, because it uses
XMLHTMLParser>>topNode, which is a private method. On the other hand, I
can't see how to make the stop condition for
XMLHTMLParser>>parseDocumentUntil: depend on the parsed results without
using a private method.

Hope this is helpful

Peter Kenny

-----Original Message-----
From: Pharo-users [mailto:pharo-users-boun...@lists.pharo.org] On Behalf Of
Norbert Hartl
Sent: 12 May 2017 08:04
To: Any question about pharo is welcome <pharo-users@lists.pharo.org>
Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] [Zinc] ZnInvalidUTF8: Illegal leading byte for
utf-8 encoding

Just to mention. If you are not interested in the content body you could do
a HEAD request instead of GET. 


> Am 11.05.2017 um 22:44 schrieb Udo Schneider
> Hi Sven,
> that's perfect. To be honest I don't care about the content - I'm just
parsing the header. And even if there is a wrong decoding in there... I can
live with that.
> Thank you very very much! For your help but also your stuff in general.
> CU,
> Udo
>> Am 11/05/17 um 22:35 schrieb Sven Van Caekenberghe:
>> Hi Udo,
>>> On 11 May 2017, at 21:37, Udo Schneider <udo.schnei...@homeaddress.de>
>>> All,
>>> I'm hitting an error where fetching web content fails. The website does
indeed use invalid characters.
>>> The easiest way to reproduce:
>>> ZnEasy get:
>>> Is there any way to tell Zinc to simply ignore that error and to
>>> CU,
>>> Udo
>> That server/page has a mime-type text/plain with no explicit encoding
(charset) setting, so we have to guess. Like utf-8, pure latin1/iso88591
does not work. The following does work, but you can't be sure everything
went well (beLenient takes some bytes as they are).
>> ZnDefaultCharacterEncoder
>>   value: ZnCharacterEncoder latin1 beLenient
>>   during: [
>>     ZnClient new
>>       get:
>>       yourself ].
>> I added some API earlier today, so that the following should also work
(you need to load Zn #bleedingEdge first).
>>  ZnClient new
>>   defaultEncoder: ZnCharacterEncoder latin1 beLenient;
>>   get:
>>   yourself.
>> HTH,
>> Regards,
>> Sven

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