I put this hotfix in my script:

"Work around scp url hardwired 'git@'"
IceScpRemote class compile: 'canHandleUrl: aRepositoryUrl
        "Very simplistic implementation that does not cover all cases"
        ^ aRepositoryUrl matchesRegex: ''([\w.-]+@|ssh\://).*'''.
IceScpRemote compile: ((IceScpRemote >> #parseUrl) sourceCode copyReplaceAll: 'git@' with: '[\w.-]+@').

Is it ok for Iceberg devs to make those (or similar) changes into Iceberg code itself?


Herby Vojčík wrote:

Once I finally added remote to my localgit repo, I cannot build my image
any more because Iceberg fails to parse the url. After first error I
tried ssh://, but it is protected as well.

The problem is, g...@host.site is just the way to say which user to log
in via ssh into the host. We use on-premise gogs installed via apt, and
it installs 'gogs' user, not 'git' user. As such, we were being able to
successfully use 'g...@our.site:org/towergame.git' type of remote URLs,
but Iceberg code has 'git@' hardcoded.

How to overcome this?


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