Le 11/08/2017 à 18:52, Peter Uhnak a écrit :
> Hi,
> I would like to propose including Pillar in the Pharo image by default.
> My reasoning:
> Since we are moving to git, and most people will use github, gitlab, and the 
> likes, it is expected to include a README.md file (or possibly more extensive 
> documentation) alongside the code.
> Which means that people will (and are) writing the README mostly by hand, 
> which of course is problematic, as e.g. code snippets can get deprecated, 
> screenshots become outdated, etc.
> As Pillar tries to address these problems, it would make sense to me to 
> include Pillar in the image by default, as anyone using git (which eventually 
> should be everyone) will most likely benefit from writing their documentation 
> in Pillar.
> Similarly using Pillar would open an avenue to provide the documentation 
> in-image, e.g. one exporter for html/markdown, and another one for Pharo's 
> Help system.
> I could, of course, install Pillar every time, but considering thats extra 
> effort and in the extra time I can fix the issues by hand, I don't have such 
> an incentive to use Pillar for this.
> Questions & Problems:
> I don't know by how much would pillar increase the image size. Perhaps there 
> could be (a) "lightweight Pillar" (that would include just pillar & markdown 
> exporter), or (b) we would have different images for different uses.
> By different images I mean something along the lines of
> a) developer image - meant to be directly used by developers to create their 
> software
> b) production image - as a foundation for running systems / users
> Does this make sense?
> Peter


I know that Stephane want to includes a light version of Pillar in the

Currently he is working on a way to remove Magritte dependency from
Pillar. Another step would be to get a minimal parser not relying on
PetitParser. This parser would parse only a subset of the Pillar syntax
that can be used for writing class comments. If this subset is defined
(I we have the list of all Document Items we want to understand), I can
give a try to make this light parse.

Cyril Ferlicot

2 rue Jacques Prévert 01,
59650 Villeneuve d'ascq France

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