Hi Luke,

if you use gitfiletree with AltBrowser and configurations/baselines, then you'll see that you have a command to do the writing for you, without metadata and with a single git commit.



Le 17/08/2017 à 13:25, Luke Gorrie a écrit :

I want to have a quick "cheat mode" for loading and saving the Smalltalk packages in my project. This is to make life easy for newbies who are not very familiar with Monticello and Metacello.

The "cheat" is to assume that there is one filetree:// repository that contains all of the relevant packages, and all we need to do is load or save each of those packages in that repository.

I have the loading part working already:

repo := MCFileTreeRepository new directory: '/foo/bar/baz' asFileReference.
     repo allFileNames do: [ :file |
         (repo versionFromFileNamed: file) load.

but now I am wondering how to do the saving part? That is, given a path to a filetree repo like '/foo/bar/baz', how do I save each package in that repo i.e. export the code in the image?

Ideally I would like the same operation to skip metadata that is likely to cause conflicts when the code is checked into Git later e.g. package timestamps and versions.

Tips would be appreciated :).

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