On 17-08-17 13:25, Luke Gorrie wrote:
I want to have a quick "cheat mode" for loading and saving the Smalltalk packages in my project. This is to make life easy for newbies who are not very familiar with Monticello and Metacello.

I'm afraid you might do newbies a disservice by adding yet another way of loading and saving combinations of packages. Dependency management is a 5-dimensional problem, so there are no solutions that are both simple and cover the needed variation [1]. In the current discussions on version management on this list the focus seems to be on the solving of simple problems, whilst avoiding the question of how to deal with many repositories. Metacello might not be ideal there, but it provides a shared solution.


[1] Peter van den Hamer & Kees Lepoeter (1996) Managing Design Data: The Five Dimensions of CAD Frameworks, Configuration Management, and Product Data Management

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