Also, did you try with this VM:


On Sat, Sep 30, 2017 at 1:28 PM, Herby Vojčík <> wrote:

> wrote:
>> What about
>> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<sqlite3place>;$LD_LIBRARYPATH  ./pharo-ui some.image
>> Phil
> Thanks for answer, did not help.
> In fact it must be something different. As can be seen in the stack, it
> fails during finalizers, and as can be seen by looking at
> UDBCSQLite3DatabaseExternalObject class>>finalizeResourceData: code, the
> method it calls is sqlite close. It is hardly the first method that is
> should call...
> I suspect something around image save / load. Again. Lots of errors in
> those parts. But may be something else, as it kicks in only when
> SQLite-using tests starts to run. :-(
> Herby
> P.S.: I saw there is a similar thread out there, but it has problems with
> 32bit loaded by 64bit vm; but here, I have 32bit linux, so the vm installed
> should be 32bit.
> On Thu, Sep 28, 2017 at 7:40 PM, Herby Vojčík <
>> <>> wrote:
>>     Hello!
>>     I try to deploy UDBCSQLite-using image in a 32bit ubuntu 16.04.3.
>>     I do have libsqlite3:
>>     root@32bit-agent:~# find / -name '*libsqlite*' -type f 2>>/dev/null
>>     /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/
>>     /var/lib/dpkg/info/libsqlite0.list
>>     /var/lib/dpkg/info/libsqlite3-0:i386.postinst
>>     /var/lib/dpkg/info/libsqlite3-0:i386.md5sums
>>     /var/lib/dpkg/info/libsqlite3-0:i386.shlibs
>>     /var/lib/dpkg/info/libsqlite0.postrm
>>     /var/lib/dpkg/info/libsqlite3-0:i386.symbols
>>     /var/lib/dpkg/info/libsqlite3-0:i386.list
>>     /var/lib/dpkg/info/libsqlite3-0:i386.triggers
>>     /var/cache/apt/archives/libsqlite0_2.8.17-12fakesync1_i386.deb
>>     but I get this in the output of the CI:
>>     17:16:54.233 + ../pharo/pharo ./filmtower.image conf/
>>     <>
>>     17:16:54.508 pthread_setschedparam failed: Operation not permitted
>>     17:16:54.509 This VM uses a separate heartbeat thread to update its
>>     internal clock
>>     17:16:54.509 and handle events.  For best operation, this thread
>>     should run at a
>>     17:16:54.509 higher priority, however the VM was unable to change
>>     the priority.  The
>>     17:16:54.509 effect is that heavily loaded systems may experience
>>     some latency
>>     17:16:54.509 issues.  If this occurs, please create the appropriate
>>     configuration
>>     17:16:54.509 file in /etc/security/limits.d/ as shown below:
>>     17:16:54.509
>>     17:16:54.509 cat <<END | sudo tee /etc/security/limits.d/pharo.conf
>>     17:16:54.509 *      hard    rtprio  2
>>     17:16:54.509 *      soft    rtprio  2
>>     17:16:54.509 END
>>     17:16:54.509
>>     17:16:54.509 and report to the pharo mailing list whether this
>>     improves behaviour.
>>     17:16:54.512
>>     17:16:54.512 You will need to log out and log back in for the limits
>>     to take effect.
>>     17:16:54.512 For more information please see
>>     17:16:54.512
>> tag/r3732#linux
>>     <
>> tag/r3732#linux>
>>     17:16:54.785
>>     17:16:54.786 TowergameSyncTests
>>     17:16:54.831 Error: External module not found
>>     17:16:54.832 ExternalLibraryFunction(Object)>>error:
>>     17:16:54.832 ExternalLibraryFunction(Object)>>externalCallFailed
>>     17:16:54.833
>>     ExternalLibraryFunction(ExternalFunction)>>invokeWithArguments:
>>     17:16:54.833 UDBCSQLite3DatabaseExternalObject
>>     class>>finalizeResourceData:
>>     17:16:54.834 FFICalloutAPI>>function:module:
>>     17:16:54.834 UDBCSQLite3Library(Object)>>ffiCall:module:
>>     17:16:54.835 UDBCSQLite3DatabaseExternalObject
>>     class>>finalizeResourceData:
>>     17:16:54.836 FFIExternalResourceExecutor>>finalize
>>     17:16:54.836 WeakFinalizerItem>>finalizeValues
>>     17:16:54.845 [ each finalizeValues ] in [ :each | [ each
>>     finalizeValues ] on: Exception fork: [ :ex | ex pass ] ] in
>>     WeakRegistry>>finalizeValues in Block: [ each finalizeValues ]
>>     17:16:54.846 BlockClosure>>on:do:
>>     17:16:54.852 [ Processor terminateActive ] in [ :ex |
>>     17:16:54.852 | copy onDoCtx process handler bottom thisCtx |
>>     17:16:54.852 onDoCtx := thisContext.
>>     17:16:54.852 thisCtx := onDoCtx home.
>>     17:16:54.852
>>     17:16:54.852 "find the context on stack for which this method's is
>>     sender"
>>     17:16:54.852 [ onDoCtx sender == thisCtx ]
>>     17:16:54.852    whileFalse: [ onDoCtx := onDoCtx sender.
>>     17:16:54.852            onDoCtx
>>     17:16:54.852                    ifNil: [ "Can't find our home
>>     context. seems like we're already forked
>>     17:16:54.852                            and handling another
>>     exception in new thread. In this case, just pass it through
>>     handler." ^ handlerAction cull: ex ] ].
>>     17:16:54.852 bottom := [ Processor terminateActive ] asContext.
>>     17:16:54.853 onDoCtx privSender: bottom.
>>     17:16:54.853 handler := [ handlerAction cull: ex ] asContext.
>>     17:16:54.853 handler privSender: thisContext sender.
>>     17:16:54.853 (Process forContext: handler priority: Processor
>>     activePriority)
>>     17:16:54.853    resume.
>>     17:16:54.853
>>     17:16:54.853 "cut the stack of current process"
>>     17:16:54.853 thisContext privSender: thisCtx.
>>     17:16:54.853 nil ] in BlockClosure>>on:fork: in Block: [ Processor
>>     terminateActive ]
>>     17:16:54.989
>>     Look like pharo was not able to find the sqlite3 lib.
>>     Any help?
>>     Thanks, Herby

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