On Sat, Sep 30, 2017 at 10:16:47PM +0200, Herby Vojčík wrote:
> case the library name used is the plain 'sqlite3', I don't know - am
> I supposed to make a symlink on the same directory as the image? Is
> it the thing that is normally needed / done routinely?

Below is how I've been doing it since early days of Pharo. Desktop OS = Linux
Mint. Current server OS = Ubuntu 16.04.

Firstly, I don't use the distro-provided libsqlite3.so. My self-built copy
includes features like FTS, JSON, etc.

I place libsqlite3.so in the VM directory, say /pkg/pharo5vm/. I have a script

  PHAROVMPATH=$(dirname `readlink -f "$0"`)

On desktop, I start Pharo using gopharo. On server, I use daemontools. Say my
application directory on the server is /pkg/app1. Here's the daemontools run
file /pkg/app1/run:

  /usr/bin/setuidgid app1 \
      /pkg/pharo5vm/gopharo -vm-display-null -vm-sound-null smallcms1.image 

The other files in /pkg/app1 are PharoV*.sources and the application
image/changes files.

/pkg/pharo5vm contains the pharo executable, vm-*, and the *so* files/symlinks
that come with Pharo plus any others that I custom build myself such as
libsqlite3.so and libshacrypt.so.



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