On Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 8:52 PM, Sean P. DeNigris <s...@clipperadams.com>

> horrido wrote
> > Having separate namespaces would be really good.
> > VisualWorks has them. Why not Pharo?
> I can't remember ever hearing disagreement on this subject. It seems the
> only questions have been: 1) how to do them *right*,

The default position would be leveraging someone else's experience, so this
begs the question, what is wrong in namespace implementations in VW,
Gemstone, Squeak (as our immediate neighbours, then plus Dolphin,
SmalltalkX, other languages)
Are there been any research papers around comparing these?

I found the "Pharo on Gemstone VM" talk impressive.  The "develop on Pharo
deploy on Gemstone" philosophy seems like a nice synergy for Pharo's
commercial future.  So a naive approach would be to do namespaces just like
Gemstone.  Maybe its not the best, but would it be "good enough" --
perfection being the enemy of done and all that jazz.

cheers -ben

> and 2) where they fall on the endless prioritized todo list

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