IMHO, one important aspect to deliver comercial solutions for customers in an
environment like Pharo is to be able to protect certain code or algorithms
developed by the company. It possible to have some clases compiled and
closed to the eyes of customers? Or it is posible to have some kind of
access control to edit clases?

A bit of context for my question.
In the company I work for in Mexico we have been using a similar live coding
environment for 30 years with great results. The environment we used until a
couple of years ago is named G2 by Gensym; lisp based internally,  with is
own natural language like syntax for developers, with a very powerful
backward ans forwards chaining rule engine, an excellent toolkit to create
visual components and a wonderful VNC like and lightwaight
client(Telewindows) that makes visual interactions with a remote G2 very
easy with a very small bandwidth use. Until a couple of years ago, we
developed on it tailor made supply chain solutions and mathematical models;
since then we moved to Java and .NET.
We wish we could stay with live coding, but the draw back with that platform
we used is that is really expensive for customers and the company has been
changing hands to more lawyer oriented owners, because of its installed
based license fees and IP portfolio. So, getting to know Pharo makes me very
enthusiastic about the possibility to move back to live coding.

Thanks for the response.



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