If you make a morph maximise and pin it down, it will cover the entire
pharo windows and wont be movable and will make it impossible for the user
to interact with the IDE even via shorcuts. If I am wrong on shortcuts I
hope someone correct me but last time I checked that was the case.

Command line wise, command line api is very elegant, very simple to add and
remove arguments.

Those will block the user from controlling Pharo.

Soruce code visibility:

1) What stef said, delte sources
2) If you use monticello the traditional way ,it saves in mcz files which
are jus zip files with source code files inside. Created every time you
save to a local or remote repo
3) Delete any fileouts, those produce st files too, smalltalk source code
4) if you use filetree that uses source files too but generally you would
pick a directory outside pharo
5) changes files also contain source code you modified or added
6) We hava new recovery tool, I forget the name, has its own file format I
dont rememebr if it uses text files like changes, it might, check that out

Generally anywhere you spot a file with st extension its a source code
file, delete it or move it away. We may use an image format but we generate
a ton of source code files for various reason as you can see.

On Fri, Oct 13, 2017 at 8:27 PM Ricardo Pacheco <
ricardo.pacheco.rol...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Wow, that sounds great. Thanks a lot!!
> Ricardo
> --
> Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Smalltalk-Users-f1310670.html

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