I would have followed the Python approach.

When Guido created Python , it did not try to convince his co-workers about
how superior it was compared to other languages. At the time he did not
intend to use it even as programming language. That worked to his
advantage. Instead it used it for small tasks, usually tiny command line
utilities that none would notice. But some did notice and expressed
interest , they tried Python for small tiny tasks again mainly command line
utilities. The co workers came back with suggestions how to improve it and
the rest as they say it’s history.

Any project has cracks that you can squeeze another language , the curious
will the express interest and wonder “what this Pharo is ?”. I think that
probably the best way to promote a language instead of trying to convince
them how great it is. When language is used for such small tasks none will
ask where they will find Smalltalk devs because it’s easy to learn any
language for very simple tasks.  Humans are curious by nature and they love
a nice mystery.

You don’t have to convert an entire project to Pharo, the import thing is
to ignite interest.

Or as the saying goes “actions speak louder than words” ;)

On Thu, 19 Oct 2017 at 10:05, Paulo R. Dellani <dell...@pobox.com> wrote:

> Dear all,
> after using Smalltalk for several years I developed a passion for the
> language (how not to?), and Pharo is just so great to develop with.
> So thank you guys for keeping this wonderful project running.
> Unfortunately, it is not easy to always point out why Smalltalk
> should be employed as "main development language" in a team
> or for a project. In the last discussion of this sort I was confronted
> with the question "where are we going to get new smalltalk
> developers if our startup grows or if you go?". Well, I had no
> good answer to that. What would have you answered?
> Cheers,
> Paulo

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