> Le 26 oct. 2017 à 20:35, Paul DeBruicker <pdebr...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> I made this port/copy of the squeaksource package:  
> http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~Cryptography/Cryptography
> Is that the version you were thinking of and couldn't find?

Oh probably. I might have overlooked, and maybe only on Github. 

> What is ifs?

Sorry this was a typo. I meant ipfs (a distributed file system). 

It works like GIT. Under the hood is a (distributed) Merkle DAG that store 
content hash. 


The official implantation is in GO and I think the js (node) version is quite 
complete too. 

I see it as a source of inspiration (and eventually a kind of “eternal” 

> I don't understand what you want to do with the hashing.  Are you talking
> about hashing domain objects for external storage?   Do you have to interact
> with another system or just have hashed data in the image or stored
> somewhere internally to your project? What OS are you going to use?  

Not sure yet what I want to do with that. I see content hashing as a digital 
fingerprint of information exchanged by two systems. 

What I try to demo is a personal information system (several personal nodes 
representing it simulates by several Pharo apps) that interact (exchange info) 
with others person personal information system. 

I’d like to embrace the distributed/decentralized programming paradigms which 
if I understand well would allow to build such system without a centralized 
point of failure. 
So no real db, only nodes that replicates information once shared. Amongst 
other things, I’d like to show that if a node is lost (stolen smartphone for 
instance), one can rebuilt it from other nodes. All non shared info are lost 
forever though. There can be later some special node acting as storage. 

> I think you can get to the point where your objects can be hashed by any of
> the backends you mention and just change among them as your needs change. 
> That being said NaCl seems the most generally useful.  Cryptographic hashing
> in Pharo is slower than C, so depending on the volume of data to hash a
> Pharo implementation may be too slow.

At start, I can do without cryptography but I’d like soon to think about a way 
to encrypt information exchange between nodes. Maybe symmetric crypto will be 

Hashing on the other one would be more to have a way to index information. 
Cryto to encrypt exchanges. 

> hope this helps

Yes sure. 

I hope I was clearer in my explanations !



> Paul
> Cédrick Béler wrote
>> Hi again,
>> Concerning cryptography in Pharo, there are to my knowledge :
>> => a package developed in squeak [1] that was I think ported/forked for
>> Pharo. I cannot find the Pharo version
>> => a binding to the sodium library (NaCl) [2]
>> With one would you recommend ?  Maybe another option ?
>> Concerning hashing (I’d like to hash information content a bit like this
>> is done in ifs with their multihash lib [3])
>> => I found a keccak implication with I think would do the [4]. Any
>> feedback ? Other implementations available ?
>> => Do you think having something like ifs multihash would be interesting
>> in Pharo ?
>> Again, thanks in advance for your comments/advices.
>> Cédrick
>> [1]  http://www.squeaksource.com/Cryptography.html
>> &lt;http://www.squeaksource.com/Cryptography.html&gt; 
>> [2]
>> http://catalog.pharo.org/catalog/project/Nacl?_s=54MCZlmxc6F08Ht4&_k=HxcBD1pRVtXkfVFM
>> &lt;http://catalog.pharo.org/catalog/project/Nacl?_s=54MCZlmxc6F08Ht4&amp;_k=HxcBD1pRVtXkfVFM&gt;
>> [3] https://github.com/multiformats/multihash
>> &lt;https://github.com/multiformats/multihash&gt; 
>> [4] https://github.com/sbragagnolo/Keccak
>> &lt;https://github.com/sbragagnolo/Keccak&gt;
> --
> Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Smalltalk-Users-f1310670.html

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