Bruce O'Neel wrote:

Posix requires that if the process is killed the return status is
greater than 128.

What is convention on linux systems is that if the process is sent a
signal then the signal number is added to 128.  Therefore 137 is SIGKILL
(kill -9).  SIGTERM is 143, SIGABRT is 134, SIGSEGV is 139, and so on.
  I've not seen an exception to this but there could be.

Signals off of my closest linux system look like:

#define SIGHUP           1
#define SIGINT           2
#define SIGQUIT          3
#define SIGILL           4
#define SIGTRAP          5
#define SIGABRT          6
#define SIGIOT           6
#define SIGBUS           7
#define SIGFPE           8
#define SIGKILL          9
#define SIGUSR1         10
#define SIGSEGV         11
#define SIGUSR2         12
#define SIGPIPE         13
#define SIGALRM         14
#define SIGTERM         15

Scary, because Esteban's sigtrapping package has them defined a bit differently:

{ #category : #'class initialization' }
POSIXSignal class >> initialize [
        SIGHUP          := 1.
        SIGINT                  := 2.
        SIGQUIT         := 3.
        SIGILL                  := 4.
        SIGTRAP         := 5.
        SIGABRT         := 6.
        SIGPOLL         := 7.
        SIGIOT                  := SIGABRT.
        SIGEMT                  := 7.
        SIGFPE                  := 8.
        SIGKILL         := 9.
        SIGBUS                  := 10.
        SIGSEGV         := 11.
        SIGSYS                  := 12.
        SIGPIPE         := 13.
        SIGALRM         := 14.
        SIGTERM         := 15.
        SIGURG                  := 16.
        SIGSTOP         := 17.
        SIGTSTP         := 18.
        SIGCONT         := 19.
        SIGCHLD         := 20.
        SIGTTIN         := 21.
        SIGTTOU         := 22.
        SIGIO                   := 23.
        SIGXCPU         := 24.
        SIGXFSZ         := 25.
        SIGVTALRM       := 26.
        SIGPROF         := 27.
        SIGWINCH                := 28.
        SIGINFO         := 29.
        SIGUSR1                 := 30.
        SIGUSR2                 := 31.

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