I have been just trying to install GT Documenter and is really
frustrating (I have been unable to install it even for the first time!).

This was the list of errors I got and steps I followed, in almost
sequential order, just to get a (bittersweet!) taste of GT Documenter:

  * 1st: LGit_GIT_ERROR: No ssh-agent suitable credentials found. So I
    go to GitHub, follow the five pages of documentation to get my SSH
    credentials that start at [1], then, because I still get the same
    error, go to the Iceberg FAQ [2], try to surpass the erro,r via
    command line and doesn't work, so I go to the Iceberg settings and
    try the manual configuration, going to the next item

    [2] https://github.com/pharo-vcs/iceberg/blob/master/README.md

  * Now I get "Instance of LGitCredentialsSSH class did not understand
    #ifTrue:ifFalse:". I try to make sense of it in the debugger, but is
    something I cannot. Anyway, I rerun it and now I get:
    exists and is not an empty directory. I delete that directory and
    try an installation... again
  * Now I get: "Instance of FileReference did not understand #notEmpty".
    I try to make sense of it in the debugger. My user is git, my public
    and private ssh keys are not empty. Despite of not making sense of
    all I understand that is trying to clone something at
    g...@github.com:feenkcom/gtoolkit.git. I go to my image dir and then
    to `iceberg/feenkcom/gtoolkit/`. There is a git repository there,
    but is empty.
  * Now I wonder, maybe if I can just clone the directory there, but how
    I say Iceberg to load it? So I run now only the Metacello part. Same
    error and solution that the last time but now for
    gtoolkit-visualizer, Brick, gtoolkit-examples, Bloc and Sparta.
  * After getting my ssh keys, overcome config problems in shell and the
    Pharo settings, chasing these errors and solving them by cloning the
    repositories manually, I'm, a couple of hours later, ready to test
    GT Documenter, but with the last Iceberg's duplicated repository
    message about Sparta I give up. Is not nice to start your day
    accumulating frustration... that sets a bad mood for the rest of it,
    and you need to actively fight against.

I have thought that Git is overcomplicated for most of the developers'
tasks and communities. I don't know if the root of previous issues is in
the "Iceberg enableMetacelloIntegration: true" line, but having to get
your pair of keys working to just install software is overkill for the
common user (and when LibGit errors are present, the documented
solutions don't work seamlessly). Maybe a more sensitive solution would
be just to use libgit, without any ssh auth to clone repositories and
its prerequisites or even better, some download that goes to the files
in the tip (or other) version without all this overhead.

Anyway, as I said, I have been unable to test GT Documenter properly and
getting feedback over GT Tools from the team usually requires a lot of
effort in my case (insisting on getting answers or getting none). And
that is just to test a promising tech that still doesn't offer saving
features (just and awesome preview). I think that a more sensible
approach for a good documentation toolkit for now is on Spec and
creating custom syntax highlighters with SmaCC[3], that is well
documented and works today.


I understand that community is trying its best, but expressing how
current offerings are not mature and constructive criticism can help on
that. At the moment my feeling is that if you want to try the new shinny
alpha stuff from GT Documenter, you will need to be prepared for a lot
of frustration and silence.



On 10/11/17 12:41, Tudor Girba wrote:
> Hi,
> As shown at ESUG, GT Documenter offers an advanced viewer (and editor) for 
> Pillar working on top of Bloc.
> You can get it by loading:
> Iceberg enableMetacelloIntegration: true.
> Metacello new
>    baseline: 'GToolkit';
>    repository: 'github://feenkcom/gtoolkit/src';
>    load.
> For example, you can then inspect:
> 'PATH_TO_ICEBERG/feenkcom/gtoolkit/doc/transcript/index.pillar’ 
> asFileReference
> Cheers,
> Doru
>> On Nov 10, 2017, at 12:58 PM, H. Hirzel <hannes.hir...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> A note:
>> Tudor Girba wrote:
>> <tu...@tudorgirba.com>       Fri, Aug 25, 2017 at 1:31 PM
>> Reply-To: Any question about pharo is welcome <pharo-users@lists.pharo.org>
>> To: Any question about pharo is welcome <pharo-users@lists.pharo.org>
>> Hi,
>> As mentioned in an announcement about 10 days ago, we are building a
>> Pillar editor with inline viewing abilities in Bloc. Here is how it
>> looked like. Please note the embedded picture. We continued working on
>> it since then and we will probably announce the next version this
>> weekend:
>> Maybe there is now enough progress to do simple presentations in Bloc?
>> On 11/10/17, H. Hirzel <hannes.hir...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hello
>>> In the thread 'including Pillar in Pharo image by default' it was
>>> suggested by Stephane Ducasse to include a subset of Pillar in the
>>> Pharo image[1] .
>>> I'd like to extend that proposal a little bit it in order  to do very
>>> simple presentations. This should allow to describe at least part of
>>> the slides used in the MOOC course [3].
>>> This will be  _a possible_ solution to the question  brought up in the
>>> thread 'Writing "powerpoint" like presentations in Pharo?'.
>>> Another use is to write instructions with executable content within
>>> the image ("Assistants").
>>> So below is the a proposal for a Pillar syntax _subset_ for class
>>> comments and _simple_ presentations.
>>> The numbering scheme follows the 'Pillar syntax cheat sheet' [2]
>>> MINI PILLAR SYNTAX (a subset of Pillar)
>>> 1. Headers
>>>    !Header 1
>>>    !!Header 2
>>>    !!!Header 3
>>> 2. Lists
>>>    - Unordered List
>>>    # Ordered list
>>> 5. Emphasis
>>>    ""bold""
>>> 6. Code blocks
>>>     [[[
>>>     Transcript show: 'Hello World'.
>>>     \]]]
>>> 9. Annotation
>>> ${slide:title=About Pharo}$
>>> Next week I plan to implement the rendering of this 'Mini Pillar' in
>>> Morphic using the Morphic API subset that works in Pharo and Squeak.
>>> A renderer using Bloc would also be nice. [4]
>>> Comments, suggestions, code snippets and other help is welcome.
>>> Regards
>>> Hannes
>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> [1] Pillar subset for class comments
>>> Stephane Ducasse
>>> <stepharo.s...@gmail.com>   Fri, Aug 11, 2017 at 7:09 PM
>>> To: Any question about pharo is welcome <pharo-users@lists.pharo.org>
>>> Tx cyril
>>> For class comment I image that we want
>>> !
>>> -
>>> -
>>> *url*
>>> and bold
>>> [[[
>>> ]]]
>>> Did I miss something.
>>> Stef
>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> [2]
>>> http://pillarhub.pharocloud.com/hub/pillarhub/pillarcheatsheet
>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> 1. Headers
>>>    !Header 1
>>>    !!Header 2
>>>    !!!Header 3
>>>    !!!!Header 4
>>>    !!!!!Header 5
>>>    !!!!!!Header 6
>>> 2. Lists
>>>    - Unordered List
>>>    # Ordered list
>>> 3. Table
>>>    |! Left |! Right |! Centered
>>>    |{Left |}Right| Centered
>>> 4. Description
>>> Note
>>> on a new line
>>>    ;head
>>>    :item
>>> 5. Emphasis
>>>    ""bold""
>>>    ''italic''
>>>    --strikethrough--
>>>    __underscore__
>>>    ==inline code==
>>>    @@subscript@@
>>>    ^^sub-script^^
>>> 6. Code blocks
>>>     [[[lab­el=­hel­loS­cri­pt|­cap­tio­n=How to print Hello
>>> World|­lan­gua­ge=­Sma­lltalk
>>>     Transcript show: 'Hello World'.
>>>     \]]]
>>> 7. Raw
>>>    {{{latex:
>>>    this is how you inject raw \LaTeX in your output file
>>>    }}}
>>>    {{{mar­kdown:
>>>    this is how you inject raw `markdown` in your output file
>>>    }}}
>>>    {{{html:
>>>    this is how you inject raw <b>­htm­l</­b> in your output file
>>>    }}}
>>> 8. Links
>>>    Anchor @anchor (new line)
>>>    Internal link *anchor*
>>>    External link *Google>http://google.com*
>>>    Image +Caption>file://image.png|width=50|label=label+
>>> 9. Annotation
>>> Note
>>> on a new line
>>>    Annotation @@note this is a note
>>>    Todo item @@todo this is to do
>>>    % each line starting with % is commented
>>> 11. References
>>> This document is copied from
>>> http://www.cheatography.com/benjaminvanryseghem/cheat-sheets/pillar/
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> [3] Example pillar code for slides
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> https://github.com/SquareBracketAssociates/PharoMooc/blob/master/Slides/1-Templates/SlideExample.pillar
>>> {
>>>     "title":"To the Roots of Objects",
>>>     "subtitle":"Learning from beauty",
>>>     "author":"Stephane Ducasse",
>>>     "complement":"http://stephane.ducasse.free.fr/ \\\\
>>> stephane.duca...@inria.fr"
>>> }
>>> ${toc:depthLevel=2|level=0|highlight=0}$
>>> %Les sections ne sont pas des titres de slide mais définnissent la
>>> structure du doucment. Il est possible de rajouter
>>> "renderStructureAsSlide":false dans pillar.conf pour ne pas créer de
>>> slide à partir d'un titre.
>>> ${slide:title=License}$
>>> +>file://figures/CreativeCommons.png|width=50|label=figCreativeCommons+
>>> ! Introduction
>>> %
>>> ${toc:depthLevel=1|level=0|highlight=1}$
>>> ${slide:title=Really?!|label=really}$
>>> ${columns}$
>>> ${column:width=50}$
>>> %the width parameter take an Int between 1 and 100
>>> %For now we have to pass a line before and after an annotation, I'll
>>> correct that soon in Pillar.
>>> - No primitive types
>>> - No hardcoded constructs for conditional
>>> - Only messages
>>> - Only objects
>>> ${column:width=50}$
>>> - and this works?
>>> - I mean really?
>>> - Not even slow?
>>> - Can't be real!
>>> ${endColumns}$
>>> ${slide:title=Motto}$
>>> - Let's open our eyes, look, understand, and deeply understand the
>>> underlying design aspects of object-oriented programming.
>>> *@really*
>>> *TEST !>@really*
>>> ${slide:title=Booleans}$
>>> [[[language=smalltalk
>>> 3 > 0
>>>     ifTrue: ['positive']
>>>     ifFalse: ['negative']
>>> -> 'positive'
>>> ]]]
>>> ${slide:title=Yes ifTrue\:ifFalse\: is a message!}$
>>> [[[language=smalltalk
>>> Weather isRaining
>>>     ifTrue: [self takeMyUmbrella]
>>>     ifFalse: [self takeMySunglasses]
>>> ]]]
>>> - Conceptually ==ifTrue:ifFalse:== is a message sent to an object: a
>>> boolean!
>>> - ==ifTrue:ifFalse:== is in fact radically optimized by the compiler
>>> but you can implement another one such ==siAlors:sinon:== and check.
>>> ${slide:title=Booleans}$
>>> In Pharo booleans have nothing special
>>> - & | not
>>> - or: and: (lazy)
>>> - xor:
>>> - ifTrue:ifFalse:
>>> - ifFalse:ifTrue:
>>> - ...
>>> ${slide:title=Lazy Logical Operators}$
>>>     *LINK>@frm:really*
>>> [[[language=smalltalk
>>>     false and: [1 error: 'crazy']
>>> -> false and not an error
>>> ]]]
>>> ! Exercices
>>> ${toc:depthLevel=1|level=0|highlight=1}$
>>> !! Exercise 1: Implement not
>>> ${slide:title=Exercise 1\: Implement not}$
>>> - Propose an implementation of not in a world where you do not have
>>> Booleans.
>>> - You only have objects and messages.
>>> [[[language=smalltalk
>>> false not
>>>     -> true
>>> true not
>>>     -> false
>>> ]]]
>>> !!Exercise 2: Implement | (Or) ifTrue: ifFalse:
>>> ${toc:depthLevel=2|level=0|highlight=1}$
>>> ${slide:title=Exercise 2\: Implement \| (Or)}$
>>> - Propose an implementation of or in a world where you do not have
>>> Booleans.
>>> - You only have objects and messages.
>>> [[[language=smalltalk
>>>     true | true -> true
>>>     true | false -> true
>>>     true | anything -> true
>>>     false | true -> true
>>>     false | false -> false
>>>     false | anything -> anything
>>> ]]]
>>> ${slide:title=Exercise2\: Variation - Implement ifTrue\:ifFalse\:}$
>>> - Propose an implementation of not in a world where you do not have
>>> Booleans.
>>> - You only have objects, messages and closures.
>>> [[[language=smalltalk
>>> false ifTrue: [ 3 ] ifFalse: [ 5 ]
>>> -> 5
>>> true ifTrue: [ 3 ] ifFalse: [ 5 ]
>>> -> 3
>>> ]]]
>>> ! Boolean Implementation
>>> ${toc:depthLevel=1|level=0|highlight=1}$
>>> ${slide:title=Booleans Implementation Hint One}$
>>> - The solution does not use conditionals
>>> - else we would obtain a recursive definition of ==ifTrue:ifFalse:==
>>> ${slide:title=Boolean Implementation Hint Two}$
>>> - The solution uses three classes: ==Boolean==, ==True== and ==False==
>>> - ==false== and ==true== are unique instances described by their own
>>> classes
>>> - ==false== is an instance of the class ==False==
>>> - ==true== is an instance of the class ==True==
>>> +Boolean Hierarchy>file://figures/BooleanHiearchyAndInstances.png|width=50+
>>> ${slide:title=How do we express choice in OOP?}$
>>> - We send messages to objects
>>> [[[language=smalltalk
>>>     aButton color
>>>     -> Color red
>>>     aPane color
>>>     -> Color blue
>>>     aWindow color
>>>     -> Color grey
>>> ]]]
>>> - Let's the receiver decide
>>> - Do not ask, tell
>>> ${slide:title=Boolean not implementation}$
>>> - Class ==Boolean== is an abstract class that implements behavior
>>> common to true and false. Its subclasses are ==True== and ==False==.
>>> Subclasses must implement methods for logical operations ==&==,
>>> ==not==, and controls ==and:==, ==or:==, ==ifTrue:==, ==ifFalse:==,
>>> ==ifTrue:ifFalse:==, ==ifFalse:ifTrue:==
>>> [[[language=smalltalk
>>> Boolean>>not
>>>     "Negation. Answer true if the receiver is false, answer false if the
>>> receiver is true."
>>>     self subclassResponsibility
>>> ]]]
>>> ${slide:title=Not implementation in two methods}$
>>> [[[language=smalltalk
>>> False>>not
>>>     "Negation -- answer true since the receiver is false."
>>>     ^ true
>>> ]]]
>>> [[[language=smalltalk
>>> True>>not
>>>     "Negation--answer false since the receiver is true."
>>>     ^ false
>>> ]]]
>>> ${slide:title=Not implementation in two methods}$
>>> +Not
>>> implementation.>file://figures/BooleanHiearchyAndInstancesWithNotMethods.png|width=80+
>>> ${slide:title=\| (Or)}$
>>> [[[language=smalltalk
>>>     true | true -> true
>>>     true | false -> true
>>>     true | anything -> true
>>>     false | true -> true
>>>     false | false -> false
>>>     false | anything -> anything
>>> ]]]
>>> ${slide:title=Boolean>> \| aBoolean}$
>>> [[[language=smalltalk
>>>     Boolean>> | aBoolean
>>>             "Evaluating disjunction (OR). Evaluate the argument. Answer 
>>> true if
>>> either the receiver or the argument is
>>> true."
>>>     self subclassResponsibility
>>> ]]]
>>> ${slide:title=False>> \| aBoolean}$
>>> [[[language=smalltalk
>>> false | true -> true
>>> false | false -> false
>>> false | anything -> anything
>>> ]]]
>>> [[[language=smalltalk
>>> False >> | aBoolean
>>>     "Evaluating disjunction (OR) -- answer with the argument, aBoolean."
>>>     ^ aBoolean
>>> ]]]
>>> ${slide:title=True>> \| aBoolean}$
>>> [[[language=smalltalk
>>> true | true -> true
>>> true | false -> true
>>> true | anything -> true
>>> ]]]
>>> [[[language=smalltalk
>>> True>> | aBoolean
>>>     "Evaluating disjunction (OR) -- answer true since the receiver is true."
>>>     ^ self
>>> ]]] 
>>> ${slide:title=Or implementation in two methods}$
>>> +>file://figures/BooleanHiearchyAndInstancesWithOrMethods.png|width=80+
>>> ${slide:title=Implementing ifTrue\:ifFalse\:}$
>>> - Do you see the pattern?
>>> - Remember that a closure freezes execution and that value launches
>>> the execution of a frozen code.
>>> [[[language=smalltalk
>>> True>>ifTrue: aTrueBlock ifFalse: aFalseBlock
>>>     ^ aTrueBlock value
>>> ]]]
>>> [[[language=smalltalk
>>> False>>ifTrue: aTrueBlock ifFalse: aFalseBlock
>>>     ^ aFalseBlock value
>>> ]]]
>>> ${slide:title=Implementation Note}$
>>> - Note that the Virtual Machine shortcuts calls to boolean such as
>>> condition for speed reason.
>>> - But you can implement your own conditional method and debug to see
>>> that sending a message is dispatching to the right object.
>>> ! So what ?
>>> ${toc:depthLevel=1|level=0|highlight=1}$
>>> ${slide:title=Ok so what?}$
>>> - You will probably not implement another Boolean classes
>>> - So is it really that totally useless?
>>> ${slide:title=Message sends act as case statements}$
>>> - The execution engine will select the right method in the class of the
>>> receiver
>>> - The case statements is dynamic in the sense that it depends on the
>>> classes loaded and the objects to which the message is sent.
>>> - Each time you send a message, the system will select the method
>>> corresponding to the receiver.
>>> ${slide:title=A Class Hierarchy is a Skeleton for Dynamic Dispatch}$
>>> - If we would have said that the ==Boolean== would be composed of only
>>> one class, we could not have use dynamic binding.
>>> - A class hierarchy is the exoskeleton for dynamic binding
>>> - Compare the solution with one class vs. a hierarchy.
>>> +One single class vs. a nice
>>> hierarchy.>file://figures/Design-FatVsDispatch.png|width=70+
>>> - The hierarchy provides a way to specialize behavior.
>>> - It is also more declarative in the sense that you only focus on one
>>> class.
>>> - It is more modular in the sense that you can package different
>>> classes in different packages.
>>> ${slide:title=Avoid Conditionals}$
>>> - Use objects and messages, when you can
>>> - The execution engine acts as a conditional switch: Use it!
>>> - Check the AntiIfCampaign.
>>> ${slide:title=Follow-up: Implement ternary logic}$
>>> - Boolean: ==true==, ==false==, ==unknown==
>>> +Ternaru Logic decision table
>>>> file://figures/ArrayBoolean.png|width=30|label=fig:ternLogic+
>>> - Implementing in your own classes.
>>> ! Summary
>>> ${toc:depthLevel=1|level=0|highlight=1}$
>>> ${slide:title=Summary}$
>>> - Tell, do not ask
>>> - Let the receiver decide
>>> - Message sends as potential dynamic conditional
>>> - Class hiearchy builds a skeleton for dynamic dispatch
>>> - Avoid conditional
>>> -----------------------------------------
>>> [4] Bloc
>>> Load Bloc with executing in a playground (Pharo 6.1)
>>>    Metacello new
>>>    baseline: 'Bloc';
>>>    repository: 'github://pharo-graphics/Bloc:pharo6.1/src';
>>>    load: #core
>>> A tutorial to use bloc is available on
>>> http://files.pharo.org/books/
>>> Bloc Memory Game (alpha) is a first tutorial on Bloc the new graphics
>>> core for Pharo. Booklet written by A. Chis, S. Ducasse, A. Syrel.
>>> http://files.pharo.org/books-pdfs/booklet-Bloc/2017-11-09-memorygame.pdf
>>> To load the memory game
>>>    Metacello new
>>>    baseline: 'BlocTutorials';
>>>    repository: 'github://pharo-graphics/Tutorials/src';
>>>    load
>>> A similar booklet could be done for the title
>>> 'Doing a presentation / slide show / assitant with Bloc' (or similar,
>>> adapt  .....)
> --
> www.tudorgirba.com
> www.feenk.com
> "Obvious things are difficult to teach."

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