On 26 October 2017 at 18:37, Dimitris Chloupis <kilon.al...@gmail.com>

> Nothing complex about two images exchanging messages, its not even complex
> to transmit objects via fuel, you even transmit a debugger or any part of
> the live environment or even make an "internet" of images that join objects
> together. Sky is the limit. Pharo already provides you will all the
> tools/libraries to do this.
> A streamsocket (not to be confused with regular sockets) will delay the
> messages (a collection of bytes) until they arrive to the receiver or until
> they have reached the timeout period. Offline mode is pretty much
> obligatory even for plain old internet web apps because of drops in
> connection or the plain fact a connection can become slow.
> I used streamsockets in my Pharo to Python bridge (Atlas) because the
> execution was not necessary synchronous , I was sending Python command to a
> 3d application from Pharo and I had to make sure that the bridge was
> working even in the case of a command that could take hours to execute like
> a rendering process.

And others are finding similar results...
    "Inter-process communication is a (surprisingly) effective way to
couple two programming languages "
R into Go...  http://user2015.math.aau.dk/presentations/236.pdf

cheers -ben

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