I think if you use old compiler it will work: 

SmalltalkImage compilerClass: Compiler.


> On 3 Jan 2018, at 17:42, Andrei Stebakov <lisper...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I tried before to install odbc.
> Gofer new
>   squeaksource: 'ODBC';
>   package: 'ConfigurationOfODBC'; load.
>   (Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfODBC) load.
> When I execute the code above I got an exception doesNotUnderstand: #selector 
> in RBParser>>externalFunctionDeclaration. Looks like currentScope variable is 
> not defined.
> Also if I install ODBC from the catalog it also fails.
> I still don't see how postgres can help but I'll give it another try.
> On Jan 3, 2018 11:05, "Pierce Ng" <pie...@samadhiweb.com 
> <mailto:pie...@samadhiweb.com>> wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 03, 2018 at 10:12:32AM -0500, Andrei Stebakov wrote:
> > Pierce, I couldn't find any smalltalk framework to work with DB2 at this
> > point. I couldn't also find any Pharo odbc library. That's why at this
> > point I am looking for any ideas how to connect to DB2 from Pharo.
> I suppose Instantiations VA Smalltalk will be able to talk to DB2. I'm quite
> sure Dolphin Smalltalk does ODBC too.
> Staying with Pharo, assuming you have known-working DB2 ODBC driver for 
> Windows
> installed and ODBC to DB2 configured, try this:
>   http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~PharoExtras/ODBC/ 
> <http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~PharoExtras/ODBC/>
> Most recent commit was in Apr 2015 by Torsten 'switching to newer FFI'. So
> hopefully this works with Pharo 6.1.
> If the above doesn't work, but you know that the Windows DB2 ODBC driver 
> works,
> then - I'm not being facetious - install PostgreSQL, set up PostgreSQL foreign
> data wrapper to ODBC, and talk to PostgreSQL using Pharo.
> http://www.postgresonline.com/journal/archives/372-ODBC-FDW-now-supports-9.5-and-9.6.html
> <http://www.postgresonline.com/journal/archives/372-ODBC-FDW-now-supports-9.5-and-9.6.html>
> Or, set up Python's SQL Alchemy for DB2, install PostgreSQL, set up PostgreSQL
> foreign data wrapper to SQL Alchemy, and talk to PostgreSQL using Pharo.
>   https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Foreign_data_wrappers 
> <https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Foreign_data_wrappers>
>   https://github.com/Kozea/Multicorn <https://github.com/Kozea/Multicorn>
> HTH.

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