Hello Photon,

I have literally no idea where you found this paper but it is years old.

Could you try to install it according to instructions on Bloc GitHub page:


You might also want to try a MemoryGame tutorial:


Let me know if something does not work.

P.S. Could somebody with access rights delete this page:


On Wed, 10 Jan 2018 at 03:26, Photon <nico-br...@live.de> wrote:

> Hello I have trouble with Bloc.  I tried to install it like this as i read
> it
> in a paper on Bloc
> but then this does not work because there is no suchclass, istall is send
> to
> nil.
> I had also trouble with the tutorial earlier. I could not see anything in
> the preview altho the code was aparrantly fine.
> I really like to do something with bloc but i cant even set it up properly.
> Please help me.
> --
> Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Smalltalk-Users-f1310670.html
> --

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