On sam. 10 mars 2018 at 21:49, H. Hirzel <hannes.hir...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I note that 'workingDirectory' is the directory where Pharo is
> launched from. In my case it happens to be the same where the image is
> in but that cannot be assumed generally.

The fact that "workingDirectory" point to the folder from where Pharo was
launched is only valid since Pharo 7. Before there was no distinction
between workingDirectory and imageDirectory which caused problems when you
wanted to script.

> So
>     (FileSystem workingDirectory / '..' / 'public') ensureCreateDirectory
> Worked fine.
> Thanks to all!
> --Hannes
Cyril Ferlicot

2 rue Jacques Prévert 01,
59650 Villeneuve d'ascq France

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