> On 2 May 2018, at 17:33, Sean P. DeNigris <s...@clipperadams.com> wrote:
> Marcus Denker-4 wrote
>> (I sometimes wonder if we should not late-bind accesses to globals, that
>> is, just compile them as message sends to the environment).
> That would be *great*. This is another one of those little lies where
> "everything is a message send" and "late binding everything" breaks down,
> like inlining boolean/undefined ops, that can confuse/shock newbies. It
> probably made sense given the tech constraints at the time, but it would be
> wonderful not only to increase the beauty and simplicity of the system, but
> for the possibilities it opens up!

We should really push more in this direction… the problem is that is is 
actually not
easy to convince especially the “die hard Smalltalkers” that a change like that 
is a good thing…


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