Trygve Reenskaug wrote
> I am developing an IDE for non-programmers  called BabyIDE

I remember seeing this in a screencast - it was very cool!

Trygve Reenskaug wrote
> In your answer, I read that if I build BabyIDE on Pharo, I will be
> building on sand.

Sorry I took so long to reply to your OP. It does indeed *sound* like that
but AFAICT (myself included with dozens of projects), porting to new
versions has been relatively painless. That said, a project like you
described may have additional hurdles because it hooks so deeply into the
inner guts of the IDE. Also, there are continually new techniques to ease
these transitions. For example, there is now a deprecation message which
auto-rewrites sender on first send; this is even more powerful if one has
tests with good coverage because running the tests magically updates your

Trygve Reenskaug wrote
> A tale from the future… drop whatever they are doing in 
> order to adapt their applications to the new Pharo so that you can start 
> serving your customers again.

It's a hard problem because we have a big vision, which means a natural
tension with backward compatibility. In fact, IMHO that was one of the major
reasons for the fork from Squeak, so I guess it's unfortunate that now
Squeak seems to be a moving target as well. Again, just to reiterate,
AFAICT, most of the changes are generally deep in the system and will not
affect the average customer facing project. Even then, there's no need to be
on the latest, greatest version if the cost doesn't seem worth it. There are
plenty of production systems happily running on Pharo 1.x.

Suggestions are very welcome about how to move toward a bright future with
minimum impact on existing users/projects!!

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