Not just more readable. They can also be more efficient. Look at 
#select:thenCollect: in OrderedCollection:
select: selectBlock thenCollect: collectBlock
    " Optimized version Collection>>#select:thenCollect: "

        | newCollection element |

    newCollection := self copyEmpty.

    firstIndex to: lastIndex do: [ :index |
                element := array at: index.
                (selectBlock value: element) 
                        ifTrue: [ newCollection addLast: (collectBlock value: 
element) ]].

    ^ newCollection

It only uses one temp collection, where a #select: followed by a separate 
#collect: would need two.


> Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2018 at 8:20 AM
> From: "Tim Mackinnon" <>
> To: "Pharo Users Newsgroup" <>
> Subject: [Pharo-users] Why do #select:thenXxx methods not return their result
> Hi - are the methods like #select:thenCollect: frowned upon? 
> They seem quite readable , however in using them I’ve noticed that unlike the 
> core methods they done return the result of evaluation (they are missing a 
> ^). This is a shame, but possibly an oversight?
> Tim
> Sent from my iPhone

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