Good point by Norbert - I should have referenced a bug - but interested in 
others experience and I will annotate that bug.

For me, this isn’t a recursion thing, it’s a dnu when restarting a method (not 
sure if many people do this - but it’s a key Smalltalk feature in my mind - so 
it should work well).

Also my image recovers fine when I shut down the debuggers.

Interested in others experience and I guess I should try and use 7 more to see 
if it’s there too.


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>> On 8 Jun 2018, at 13:10, Esteban A. Maringolo <> wrote:
>> On 08/06/2018 08:30, Tim Mackinnon wrote:
>> Hi, I’ve noticed lately when using a reasonably recent Pharo 6.1 setup that 
>> if I restart a method in the debugger - particularly from a breakpoint or 
>> correcting a dnu issue the environment frequently locks up. Fearing the 
>> worst (after a few seconds), if I repeatedly press cmd . (Say 5 times) after 
>> 10 seconds more it comes back with 30 debugger Windows typically with 
>> something like Instance of Xxxx dnu: #someMethod (which is legit as I might 
>> have a now corrupt inst bar). 
>> I understand the error, but why does it lockup and require the cmd . Dance?
>> I dont recall earlier Pharos doing this (and not other smalltalks).
>> Should I report this?
> It was reported years ago [1], there was a bug and an issue, and it was
> supposedly fixed, apparently it wasn't.
> In some cases that recursion caused a "detachment" of the image from the
> changes, it is, the image starts complaining that it can't find the
> changes file, so all methods lose the source and you better discard that
> image without saving, because if you do, you'll never be able to
> "reattach" it.
> I don't know if it is still around in Pharo 7.
> Regards,
> [1]
> -- 
> Esteban A. Maringolo

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