Hi Cyril (nice work on the menu by the way) - I was thinking in the Tools menu 
they should both be at the top. For the world menu - I think maybe the 
consistency is better - and for the advanced user they can learnt he keyboard 

I’ll put a bug for this.


> On 21 Jun 2018, at 22:42, Cyril Ferlicot D. <cyril.ferli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Le 21/06/2018 à 23:18, Tim Mackinnon a écrit :
>> Hi 
> Hi,
> - in the new menu system (which I kind of like, and certainly see the
> value for new user, but worry about the loss of screen space for
> advanced users)
> There is a setting to disable it if needed ;)
> - is the order of browsers specified for any particular reason?
>> I ask, because the 2 main one System and Playground should both be at the 
>> top (in my opinion) but I’m wondering if its in some specific order?
> By top you mean at the root of the menu or at the top of the Tool submenu?
> If you mean at the root of the menu, then no for the menubar because it
> is a menubar and not a toolbar. But, it would be cool to get it back at
> the root of the WorldMenu but it need work to be able to define two
> different locations for menubar and world menu.
> If you mean at the top of the Tools submenu, then yes. The fact that
> Iceberg is before the playground is an error I think.
>> Tim
> -- 
> Cyril Ferlicot
> https://ferlicot.fr

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