> On 3 Jul 2018, at 11:28, Herbert Vojčík <he...@mailbox.sk> wrote:
> Herbert Vojčík wrote on 3. 7. 2018 11:21:
>> Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote on 3. 7. 2018 10:55:
>>>> On 3 Jul 2018, at 10:08, Herbert Vojčík <he...@mailbox.sk> wrote:
>>>> Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote on 2. 7. 2018 16:00:
>>>>>> On 25 Jun 2018, at 12:56, Herbert Vojčík <he...@mailbox.sk> wrote:
>>>>>> Peter Uhnák wrote on 23. 6. 2018 15:39:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> I'm starting to familiarize myself with new streams, and one thing I've 
>>>>>>> noticed is the removal of #lineEndConvention (which I use all the time).
>>>>>>> So a statement like this
>>>>>>> aFile writeStreamDo: [ :stream |
>>>>>>> stream lineEndConvention: #lf.
>>>>>>> stream << '...'> ].
>>>>>>> has to be written like so
>>>>>>> aFile writeStreamDo: [ :rawStream | |stream|
>>>>>>> stream := (ZnNewLineWriterStream on: rawStream) forLf.
>>>>>>> stream << '...'
>>>>>>> ].
>>>>>>> which feels very messy because I am mixing writing with the 
>>>>>>> configuration. And I don't even take account for buffered/encoded 
>>>>>>> decorators. Plus it increases the incidental complexity -- I need 
>>>>>>> another variable, and I can accidentally write to the wrong stream, etc.
>>>>>>> Would a method like #writeStream:do: (or #writeStreamTransform:do:) 
>>>>>>> make sense? E.g.
>>>>>>> aFile writeStreamTransform: [ :stream | (ZnNewLineWriterStream on: 
>>>>>>> stream) ] do: [ :stream |
>>>>>>> stream << '...'
>>>>>>> ]
>>>>>>  aFile writeStreamDo: [ :rawStream |
>>>>>>    (ZnNewLineWriterStream on: rawStream) in: [ :stream |
>>>>>>      stream << '...' ] ].
>>>>>> As for transformation, I'd go for some more generic (functional?) 
>>>>>> approach like:
>>>>>>  aFile writeStreamDo: ([:x | ZnNewLineWriterStream on: x] pipe: [ 
>>>>>> :stream |
>>>>>>    stream << '...' ]).
>>>>> I like the first version with the (little known, but still standard and 
>>>>> clear) #in: selector.
>>>>> I can't see how the second is 'better', as it looks equally 'complex' but 
>>>>> adds a new selector, #pipe:
>>>>> All this, IMHO.
>>>> It's a bit more focused on the task, that being transform incoming 
>>>> argument. Cf.
>>>>  #asString pipe: [ :aString | ... ]
>>>> instead of:
>>>>  [ :anObject | anObject asString in: [ :aString | ... ] ]
>>>> IOW, scope of anObject is limited (and if using #selector you don't even 
>>>> need to come up with a name, like the rawStream in examples before).
>>> OK, maybe, what is your definition for #pipe: then ?
>> Basically something like this:
>> (BlockClosure | Symbol) >> pipe: aBlock
>>   ^ [ :arg | aBlock value: (self value: arg) ]
> Now that I think of, it is basically nothing more than function composition, 
> so it could have binary selector instead. That would save parentheses, so the 
> example would look like:
>  aFile writeStreamDo:
>    [ :x | ZnNewLineWriterStream on: x ] ++
>    [ :stream | stream << '...' ].

Interesting ;-)

Why not even #, then ? (It is used to compose Exceptions into an ExceptionSet 
too, why not blocks into blocks).

An 'issue' that I see is that your #pipe: definition only works for single 
argument blocks, something that is probably unavoidable. IIRC this can be done 
in CommonLisp, but I am not 100% sure.

Most probably this idea of functional composition has been discussed before ...

>>>>>> Herby
>>>>>>> To separate the composition from the usage?
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Peter

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