I think, streams and functional composition match up nicely and transducers are a way to do this. I've introduced them earlier on this list. (I hesitated to weight into the discussion, as I won't have time to work on the Pharo port of Transducers until October.)

Let me give a simplified example. I assume the basic messages are #nextPut: and #close: to write to aStream and close it.

    transduce: LineEndCrLf flatMap
    reduce: (#nextPut: completing: #close)
    init: aStream

* Let aString be the source, i.e., some object that yields a sequence of characters:
  a CR b
* Let LineEndConventionLF a function that maps CR to #(CR LF):
  a CR b -> a #(CR LF) b
* #flatMap embeds #(CR LF) into the sequence:
  a CR LF b
* (#nextPut: completing: #close) puts each character on the stream and calls #close at the end:
    nextPut: $a;
    nextPut: CR;
    nextPut: LF;
    nextPut: $b;
* #transduce:reduce:init: actually starts the writing process.

First, (LineEndConventionLF flatMap) is composable with other transformations, e.g., encoding. The example above would change to:

    transduce: LineEndCrLf flatMap * EncodeUTF8 flatMap
    reduce: (#nextPut: completing: #close)
    init: aByteStream

LineEndCrLf and EncodeUTF8 only have to know how to process single characters. Hence, they are highly reusable.

Second, as the source the transformations, the writing process and the data sink are distinct objects, we can freely interact with them and build arbitrary pipelines. It is straight-forward to come up with other iteration methods than #reduce:init:, e.g., step-wise processing of streams.

Best, Steffen

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