
> On 2 July 2018 at 23:32, 
> <> wrote:
> Ciao,
>         i'm interested to port all my code to new Pharo version that manage 
> git support.
>         I found information in news, it talk of Pharo 6.1.
>         But it run only on macOS 64bits o i can run it on Linux Ubuntu 16.04 
> LTS System?
>         New information - update about it?
>         Thank you for every consideration,
>                 Dario
> At   you can either:
> 1. At top of page click the "GNU/Linux" to install 64-bit PharoLauncher.
>       This gives you manage multiple 64bit or 32bit images
>       although the latter requires some i386 dependencies to be manually 
> installed.
> 2. Further down click "Pharo 6.1 for GNU/Linux (64bit)"
>        which provides a single installation you can unzip where you like.
> cheers -ben 


        OK,   i have setup a Pharo 6.1 image with Iceberg  update as

        Now i'm "new"  to git support ......
        I understand ???        that Iceberg has some limitations, it is not 
complete ......????

        I would be grateful if someone explained to me how operatively I can 
manage everything ...

        up to where I can do with Iceberg directly from Pharo and how to 
operate from the shell on the git repository.

        Documentation in this sense?

        My goal is to setup a environment for integrate Pharo development with 
Gemstone GLASS Tode git support.....

        Does anyone have experience in this sense?


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