Hi all,

I'm interested in developing progressive web applications (PWA) [1] in
Pharo, so I'd like to know if anyone has been involved in such kind of task
before and could share his experiences.

At first sight, I was thinking in trying PharoJS [2] to build abstractions
in Pharo for each PWA's client-side concept like Service Workers, Cache
API, IndexedDB API, appshell architecture, etc.

By the other hand, one of the more appealing features of PWAs is the web
push notifications capability. To be able to send push notifications from a
Pharo server I will also need an implementation of the Web Push Protocol
[3] and the VAPID spec [4]. Do you know any previous related work in Pharo
or should I think in my own implementation?

Thank you!

[1] https://developers.google.com/web/progressive-web-apps/
[2] https://pharojs.github.io/
[3] https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-webpush-protocol-12
[4] https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-thomson-webpush-vapid-02

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