On 24/01/19 4:40 PM, Dimitris Chloupis wrote:
Actually not only you can do it, its also very easy. So the following video tutorial explains in the first 3 minutes how to do this and then spends another 10 min talking about how this could be automated to be completely automatic and instantaneous.


Nice clip - short and sweet. You may want to point people to about chunk file format in the description to alert people who may break chunk syntax by accident and get confused when fileIn breaks (been there, done that :-(). Also a caveat not to edit *.changes or *.sources though they look very similar to *.st files.

BTW, if the command is all in one line, you don't need to select it before doIt. It is implied. Even if it is spread over a couple of lines, just press SHIFT-HOME after finishing typing the text and use the arrow keys to select multiple lines and then doIt. Very nifty!

Regards .. Subbu

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