> On 16 Feb 2019, at 14:35, Alistair Grant <akgrant0...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Sven & Jan,
> On Fri, 15 Feb 2019 at 10:25, Sven Van Caekenberghe <s...@stfx.eu> wrote:
>> Hi Jan,
>> I like #<< too, but I think your assumption that it can print anything on a 
>> stream is generally wrong, dangerous and unreliable.
>> IMHO, you better stick to #print: in that case.
>> Consider the follow, that all fail:
>> String streamContents: [ :s | s << 'hello' << 42.5 << $! ].
>> String streamContents: [ :s | s << 'hello' << (1@2) << $! ].
>> In other words: #<< works in bizar ways (check the implementors of #putOn:).
>> I would be inclined to change
>> ZnEncodedStream>>#<< collection
>>        ^ self nextPutAll: collection
>> to
>> ZnEncodedStream>>#<< collection
>>        ^ self nextPutAll: collection asString
>> but it would technically not be the same as the original #<< for in-memory 
>> streams.
>> Opinions ?
> I've often thought that this change would be nice to have.  #putOn:
> doesn't really fit in with writing to text streams (text in the loose
> sense of "something that will be read").
> I think an argument could be made that #printString or #displayString
> should be used, but they both have their own issues in practice.
> So...
> +1 to "collection asString".
> Cheers,
> Alistair

I have been thinking a bit more about this, and I have a lot of problems with

Integer>>#putOn: aStream
        aStream isBinary
                ifTrue: [ self asByteArray do: [ :each | aStream nextPut: each 
] ]
                ifFalse: [ self asString putOn: aStream ]

I think we should simply remove this method. It is ugly and wrong.

#<< should simply be a shortcut for either #nextPut: and #nextPutAll: and 
nothing more.

The following two are OK for me:

 String streamContents: [ :out | out << 'Hello' << $! ].
 ByteArray streamContents: [ :out | out << #[ 1 2 3 ] << 4 ].

But the following most definitively not:

 (ByteArray streamContents: [ :out | out << 16rFF << 16rFF11 << 16rFFFF22 << 
16rFFFFFF33 ]) hex.

When you write out an integer, you have to decide its size, that can never 
depend on the magnitude (because there is no way to read this back unless there 
is additional bracketing).

Also, printing to a stream should be (very) efficient. Making copies of objects 
just for conversion purposes should be avoided.

I think that if we remove Integer>>#putOn: I could live with 

 ZnEncodedStream>>#<< anObject
        anObject putOn: self

The other solution is to define #<< as strictly the same as #nextPutAll: and 
remove all #putOn: implementors.


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