Hi sven

what I do not really with asString is that it potentially created another 
with << the implementation of camillo (if I remember correctly) manages 
correctly both 
single object and collection and it is nice to have. I do not know if his 
does not create additional stream.


> On 15 Feb 2019, at 10:25, Sven Van Caekenberghe <s...@stfx.eu> wrote:
> Hi Jan,
> I like #<< too, but I think your assumption that it can print anything on a 
> stream is generally wrong, dangerous and unreliable.
> IMHO, you better stick to #print: in that case.
> Consider the follow, that all fail:
> String streamContents: [ :s | s << 'hello' << 42.5 << $! ].
> String streamContents: [ :s | s << 'hello' << (1@2) << $! ].
> In other words: #<< works in bizar ways (check the implementors of #putOn:). 
> I would be inclined to change 
> ZnEncodedStream>>#<< collection
>       ^ self nextPutAll: collection
> to
> ZnEncodedStream>>#<< collection
>       ^ self nextPutAll: collection asString
> but it would technically not be the same as the original #<< for in-memory 
> streams.
> Opinions ?
> Sven
>> On 15 Feb 2019, at 09:52, Jan Blizničenko <jan.bliznice...@fit.cvut.cz> 
>> wrote:
>> Hello everyone
>> I am trying to use Pharo 7 for my project and I noticed that most of my
>> streams related code does not work anymore. Reason is that API for streams
>> received from writeStream of FileReference changed and I think it changed
>> for the worse in my case, because << does not properly handle any other
>> objects than strings anymore.
>> In both Pharo 6 and 7 I can write
>> String streamContents: [ :s | s << 'hello' << 42 << $! ].
>> and get 'hello42!'.
>> I can write in Pharo 6 but cannot in Pharo 7
>> 'hello.txt' asFileReference writeStreamDo: [ :s | s << 'hello' << 42 << $! ]
>> In Pharo 6, I get same result in both examples (written to the file in
>> second case of course), but in Pharo 7, the second example results in
>> exception because << does not work with anything other than strings, so it
>> seems I have to manually convert everything to strings.
>> This change to streams seems to me like a setback for 2 reasons:
>> 1) API amongst streams is no longer consistent in this case
>> 2) streams for files lost useful functionality and to make my project
>> compatible with Pharo 7, I have to make lots of effort to make my code
>> uglier and longer
>> I would like to ask for the reason of this change and whether is there
>> anything that can be done with it. Or do I just misuse or misunderstand
>> anything? Thank you.
>> Best regards,
>> Jan
>> --
>> Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Smalltalk-Users-f1310670.html

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