--- Begin Message --- I need to execute OS commands from within a x64 pharo 7.01 image on centos7 (for example: 'zip -r 123.zip zipme/').

I found these 3 tools: OSProcess, OSSubprocess, LibC uniqueInstance

But I did not find any docu on which one to use for which use case.

 * OSProcess is in the catalog browser but fails loading because of
   -> So OSProcess is not to be used with p7 ?

 * OSSubprocess loads via catalog browser and the following snippet
   works (even though 64 bit):

OSSUnixSubprocess new
    command: 'zip';
    arguments: #('-r' '123.zip' 'zipme');
    runAndWaitOnExitDo: [ :process :outString  |
        outString inspect

So is it ok to use OSSubprocess with 64 bit even though documented as 32 bit only ? (here: https://github.com/pharo-contributions/OSSubprocess#installation)

 * LibC uniqueInstance system: 'zip -r 123.zip zipme/'
   ... works, but I don't know if its the right tool for this.

Is there somewhere more info on which tool to use for which use case ?

Thanks in advance!


PS.: I need to use zip as os process only because of this issue: https://github.com/pharo-project/pharo/issues/2584

--- End Message ---

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