On 22/2/19 16:57, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:
>> On 22 Feb 2019, at 22:35, Tim Mackinnon <tim@testit.works> wrote:
>> If it’s always been that way - and things rely on it, sure.
>> But it doesn’t feel like the Smalltalk way to me.
>> Having to know about adding -1 seems very C, whereas Smalltalk always seems 
>> more natural ... and 5 to: 1 seems like you would count down, not be an 
>> empty range and do nothing.
>> But as you say, it’s personal. I’m still curious though.
> I personally would find it cool if
>  10 to: 1
> counted down, it feels natural. But I must say I haven't thought it through.
> I do known that Interval is a class that leads to lots of discussions and 
> disagreements.
I agree with Tim and Sven: "bigger to: smaller" should count backwards,
if we think in the way we used on a day to day expectation.



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