If numeric keys are silently written as strings when generating
JSON, you can get JSON that is technically legal but practically
ambiguous.  Start with the obvious:
   (Dictionary new: 2) at: 1 put true; at: '1' put false; asJson
=> {"1": true, "1": false}.
More subtly,
   d := Dictionary new: 2.
   d at: 1.0 put: true.
   d at: 1.0 successor put: false.
     value: InexactFloatPrintPolicy new
     during: [d asJson]
=> {"1.0": true, "1.0": false}.

All things considered, *not* accepting numeric keys seems like
the best thing to do.

On Sat, 23 Feb 2019 at 09:23, Esteban Maringolo <emaring...@gmail.com>

> If you convert a Dictionary with numbers as keys it will produce not
> valid JSON [1], since all object keys must be quoted.
> E.g.
> NeoJSONWriter toString: (Dictionary with: 1->'foo').
> or
> (Dictionary with: 1->'foo') asJson
> Should the library generate quoted keys?
> Seaside's WAJsonCanvas is manual, so it is up to the developer to
> render the object properly, but NeoJSON does it automatically.
> In Javascript this will throw a syntax error:
> > JSON.parse('{1: "foo"}')
> And this would generate a quoted key when serialized:
> > JSON.stringify({1: "foo"})
> > {"1": "foo"}
> So my question is: should the library quote whatever you put as key in
> order to produce valid JSON syntax? [2]
> Regards.
> [1] https://jsonlint.com/
> [2] https://www.ecma-international.org/publications/standards/Ecma-404.htm
> Esteban A. Maringolo

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