Hi Konrad - I think you can do what you describe - I think the ICeRepository 
entry for your project will have the path you want.

And yes, its the committing back non source files where iceberg doesn’t try to 
do anything (and so needs help from elsewhere).


> On 7 Apr 2019, at 16:40, Konrad Hinsen <konrad.hin...@fastmail.net> wrote:
> Hi Christopher and Tim,
> Thanks for your comments!
> I agree that managing the README from Pharo is not the most important
> use case, I just mentioned it because everyone know what a README is.
> A better example of what I want to do is Pharo's Help system. It stores
> the individual pages as methods that return a literal string. That's one
> way to store data in a package but it looks like a kludge. More
> importantly, it is very difficult to use or edit the pages outside of
> Pharo.
> A better way to do something like that is to store pages as plain text
> in the same repository as the classes that use them. But that requires
> that the class can access the files as "file xx/yy/zz.txt in the same
> repository from which my code was loaded". And if the class modifies the
> text file, that change must be committed somehow.
> I suspect that the read access part is doable somehow. The repository
> checkout in pharo-local contains all the files, so it's just a matter of
> figuring out the path. It's committing changes that requires some
> support from Iceberg, which you says is not available if I understand
> correctly.
> Konrad

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