Hi Dale - thanks for chipping in. I’ve seen references to Rowan, but hadn’t 
investigated. Interesting. 

Were you thinking of a standard visitor pattern (Gof) or something else? 
And/Or, Is this visiting piece already done, or would it help if we had such a 
beast in Pharo that you could then reuse for your purpose?

As an aside, in a separate message, I was lamenting the complexity of managing 
100 simple similar packages with the same dependency - would Rowan help with 


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> On 20 May 2019, at 20:16, Dale Henrichs <dale.henri...@gemtalksystems.com> 
> wrote:
> Tim,
> I know that this doesn't answer your question, but one of the features that 
> I'm building into Rowan is just this capability:
> project definitions composed of package definitions
> package definitions composed of class and class extension definitions
> class and class extensions definitions composed of method definitions 
> ... there are also definitions that cover what is now handled by Metacello: 
> conditional packages, package grouping and project dependencies ...
> I am intending/hoping that Rowan will eventually be available for Pharo:) ... 
> I have to finish Rowan for GemStone first:)
> Dale
>> On 5/19/19 10:23 AM, Tim Mackinnon wrote:
>> Hi - is there  a way to iterate over all the code in a package (or class or 
>> baseline) in a generic way (to pretty print out class definitions, and 
>> methods - including extensions ).
>> I was kind of hoping that with TonelWriter and Fileout and Critics that we 
>> would have a generic visitor mechanism but it seems that all of them just 
>> implemented it again - which misses a big opportunity for refactoring so 
>> that when you want to reason/print/manipulate code - it would be more 
>> straight forward.
>> Is there anything/anyone addressing this ? Or maybe I’ve missed an obvious 
>> trick somewhere? 
>> Tim
>> Sent from my iPhone

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