
You may try to use Grafoscopio [1], so you can save several nested
and/or sequential playgrounds explicitly as a Grafoscopio notebook.

[1] https://mutabit.com/grafoscopio/index.en.html

I'll be pretty interested in the feedback from you and your
kids/students and I'm working on improving the Grafoscopio DOM to
support a better user experience (selected and expanded nodes, warnings
on unsaved documents and so on).



On 18/06/19 2:53 p. m., Hilaire wrote:
> Hi,
> I have to admit it is working randomly in P7 with Dr.Geo. (19.06 rel)
> Sometime script can be retrieved with the playpage button other time no:
> executed script can not be retrieved.
> Its behavior is not predictable and it is a problem for me and the kids
> playing code.
> Hilaire

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