Distinguishing between "pull-based" and "push-based" streams in
Smalltalk makes no sense, because
   do: aBlock
      [self atEnd] whileFalse: [aBlock value: self next].
is in the same <gettableStream> protocol in the ANSI standard
as #atEnd and #next, and in most Smalltalk systems it is in
Stream.  There should never be anything that has #atEnd and
#next that doesn't have #do:.

In some Smalltalk systems, Stream and Collection both inherit
from a common superclass.  In GNU Smalltalk, it's called Iterable,
and provides, amongst other things
  stream1 , stream2
  stream allSatisfy: filterBlock
  stream anySatisfy: filterBlock
  stream collect: transformBlock
  stream count: filterBlock
  stream detect: filterBlock
  stream detect: filterBlock ifNone: exceptionBlock
  stream do: actionBlock
  stream do: actionBlock separatedBy: separatorBlock
  stream fold: combinerBlock
  stream inject: initial into: combinerBlock
  stream noneSatisfy: filterBlock
  stream reject: filterBlock
  stream select: filterBlock

My Smalltalk library does not do that, but it does have an
Enumerable class that's somewhat similar (the distinction is
that multiple traversal of a Collection must work, but only
single traversal of an Enumerable is required), so

  readStream asEnumerable reject: filterBlock

This makes about 257 Enumerable methods available.

Combinators are good, but they should fit in with existing
naming conventions.  *Arbitrary* overloadings are a bad idea.

The pipe "|" allows one to chain iterators
- The ">" allows one to create a new collection with data transformed
through chained iterators
- The ">>" allows one to fill an existing collection with data transformed
through chained iterators

The vertical bar is used in Smalltalk for "or".  It would make sense
to have
     methods for: 'combinators'
       | other
         ^[:x | (self value: x) | (other value: x)]
and so on.  Smalltalk already has a selector that means "concatenation",
namely #, so
   stream1 , stream2
as in GNU Smalltalk would not be too confusing.

Similarly, ">" means "greater than", and it would be deeply confusing to
use it for some sort of data construction.  We would expect
stream1 > stream2
iff the future values of stream1 (as a sequence) are lexicographically
greater than the future values of stream2 (as a sequence).  Or you
could argue for "the relative order of two streams is the relative
order of their positions if the have the same underlying Collection or
file system object, otherwise undefined".

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