
It's a feature. ;-)

<< sends putOn: message to the non-collection args.
Integer>>#putOn: aStream
        aStream isBinary
                ifTrue: [ self asByteArray do: [ :each | aStream nextPut: each 
] ]
                ifFalse: [ self asString putOn: aStream ]

String>>#putOn: aStream
        aStream nextPutAll: self

> On 10 Sep 2019, at 11:27, Herby Vojčík <he...@mailbox.sk> wrote:
> Hello!
> In Pharo 7.0.4,
>  Array streamContents: [ :s | s << 10 << '10' << #(10 '10') ]
>  >>> #($1 $0 $1 $0 10 '10')
> Bug or feature?
> Herby

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