Thank you for that well-stated argument. I agree, offray's argument is
silly. It's like saying that there aren't many male kindergarten teachers
and that this is evidence that the school system is "sexist".

- Steve

PS Can we please just kill the CoC  it's making this maillist political.

On Mon, Sep 23, 2019 at 8:25 PM Richard O'Keefe <> wrote:

> Let's look at some official numbers.
> Looking at
> we see that overall, female graduates outnumbered male graduates about
> 4 to 3 in each of the three years
> recorded.  The imbalance in science graduates was less, but it was
> still consistently women significantly
> outnumbering men.  Computer science stood out as consistently about 4
> men to 1 woman, and Computer
> Science departments are tying themselves into knots trying to figure
> out what to do about it.  Meanwhile,
> nobody worries that "subjects allied to medicine" was about 4 women to 1
> man.
> If there are models explaining that "colleges" are set up to favour
> white males, why are women succeeding
> so much more than men?
> In my own country, ten years ago the main newspaper ran an article
> pointing out that "Two-thirds of bachelor
> degrees last year went to women, the highest figure on record" and
> that "Women have outnumbered men
> in the tertiary sector for more than a decade", blaming "a secondary
> school system which may discourage
> or poorly prepare boys for further learning".
> Look now at Canada.
> tells us that "Canadian women aged 25 to 64 are 17 per cent more
> likely than Canadian men to have a tertiary education.
> The imbalance in educational attainment between Canadian men and women
> has increased over the past decade,
> raising questions about whether higher education in Canada is becoming
> less hospitable to male learners."  This is not new.
> "the overall gender imbalance tipped in women’s favour in Canada in
> the early 1990s.  ...
> Many are asking whether there is a 'boy crisis' in education and
> wondering what can be done to address it. In fact, a
> growing 'boy gap' in education can be seen across OECD countries, with
> the problem beginning long before students
>  reach post-secondary age. According to a recent report, 'boys, as a
> group, rank behind girls by nearly every measure
> of scholastic achievement'—including reading and writing scores—and
> they are 'also more likely to be picked out for
> behavioural problems, more likely to repeat a grade and to drop out of
> school altogether.”  "when we examine th
> more recent cohort of graduates—those aged 25 to 34—nearly every
> country has a gender imbalance that favours
> women. In most cases, moreover, women’s advantage has become much more
> pronounced."
> So models that explain why colleges favour white males are rather like
> models that explain why the sun is dark.
> If "colleges" are set up to favour white males, they are doing a
> catastrophically bad job of it.  So much so that I
> have been glad I have daughters, not sons.
> If you want to say that Computer Science numbers are due to some sort
> of discriminatory environment rather than
> preference, then you have to explain the equally large imbalance the
> other way in "medicine-related subjects" as
> discrimination rather than preference.
> On Tue, 24 Sep 2019 at 02:39, Stephan Eggermont <> wrote:
> >
> > Steve Quezadas <> wrote:
> > > Your interpreting this information with a SJW lens.
> >
> > SJW is a political construct from the extreme right. As a straight white
> > male from Western Europe I have seen enough discriminatory practices
> > applied to less privileged friends to know there is a problem. And as I
> can
> > afford to speak up, I do.
> >
> > > Look at the low proportion of blacks and women who
> > > apply for CS majors in college. Are you going to say that colleges are
> > > using discriminatory practices to keep blacks and women from taking CS
> > > classes?
> >
> > Yes, the colleges are set up to make it easier for white males to
> succeed.
> > There are enough models explaining why that happens
> >
> > > Maybe the bulk of the low recruitment statistics is simply due to
> > > non-interest within that sub-culture.
> >
> > Back to identity politics?
> >
> > Stephan
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

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